For many years Jim Bachor has fixed potholes in Chicago with playful mosaics. It’s his own contribution to country’s infrastructure. Scroll down to see his best works!
For many years Jim Bachor has fixed potholes in Chicago with playful mosaics. It’s his own contribution to country’s infrastructure. Scroll down to see his best works!
Bertrand Hance planted himself a garden. The man grew zucchini, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants to pass his free time and everything seemed fine until they arrived. With no regard to Bertrand and his work, snails flooded his land and started ravaging the greens. The beasts came in numbers too. It became obvious pretty soon that Bertrand would have to take drastic measures. But due to his compassion, the gardener refused to kill them. Instead, he tried out a more humane approach. Bertrand put up insulting, threatening, and scary signs to fight off the enemy.
Robert Speker – an activities coordinator at a care home called Sydmar Lodge in England – got creative to cheer up the residents, and came up with an entertaining idea of a photoshoot recreating classic album covers with Sydmar Lodge’s workers and residents.
Every now and then, a photo so ambiguous emerges, it’s just begging to be featured on the subreddit r/PhotoshopBattles. Shown below are the winners from the past years.
It looks like more and more people are enjoying turning themselves into big, warm, delicious burritos. And they are not shy about it either, as you can see by checking out #BurritoBlanket hashtag on Instagram. We’ve featured below some of the funniest pictures of human burritos, but if you wish to become one yourself, you’ll have to head over to Amazon.
Australian artist Phil Ferguson enjoys crocheting huge food hats and posing in each of his creations with a hilariously dejected expression looking like he’s being held hostage. Scroll down and enjoy!
OK, these are all well worth a couple bucks. Panhandling is a tradition as old as human civilization, but sometimes instead of just asking for money, people come up with really funny and clever signs. Scroll down to check them out!
Japanese online retailer Dinos has released a new line of cat furniture and part of their line-up includes this oak table with a perch underneath and a hole in the middle. It gives your feline friend a seat, right in the middle of the table, making your cat the centerpiece of your dining experience, as it should be, because cats are the real owners of “your” house.
Warning: these failed panorama selfies will fuel your nightmares for weeks. View at your own risk!
Some Twitter accounts are funnier than others, but David Hughes takes it to a whole new level. Scroll down to see some of his best tweets and don’t forget to follow!
Everybody has a phone and lots of people have too much free time. When you combine those two with “panorama mode” feature, you get hilariously creepy dog mutants!
If flies are sky raisins then surely bees are jalapeño sky raisins? Please note: if you laugh at this gallery, you are a terrible person.
Remember baby stingrays post from some time ago? It turns out that frogs are similarly terrifying to look at… when they attach themselves to a glass surface. Scroll down to see for yourself!
Googly eyes are a lot of fun, but up until now they were available only in small sizes. Great for putting on bell peppers or on your cat’s butt, but not much more. Not anymore, though! Turns out that now you can buy giant googly eyes on Amazon to give some character to your car or… make your boobs stare at people!