The Funniest Single-Panel Comics by John McNamee

Meet John McNamee, the artist behind these funny cartoons, where everyday life is served with a side of absurdity. As a writer for The Onion and a cartoonist whose work has graced The New Yorker, MAD Magazine, and Cartoon Network, McNamee has perfected the art of turning the mundane into pure comedy. Scroll down to check out some of the fuuniest examples and check out John’s book Goldilocks And The Infinite Bears on Amazon for even more!

Cartoon by by John McNamee.

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Dog Ghost Costume: Halloween Costume For Lazy Dog Owners

Sure, there all kinds of funny and clever Halloween costume ideas for pets, but what should lazy dog owners do? A white sheet with two eyeholes and one snouthole should do the job to create the perfect dog ghost costume. All you’ll need is old bed sheet and scissors. In case even that is too much work for you, you can get it on Amazon. Featured below are some of the funniest examples we could find online. Warning: this gallery is not for the fainthearted! Scroll down at your own risk!

Dog ghost Halloween costume.

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The Funniest Four-Panel Comics by Daniel Matheson

Daniel Matheson is the artist behind the “Barely Baked Beans” comic series. He creates funny strips featuring absurd situations, witty dialogue, and unexpected twists. In his own words, “I’m not what you would call a good artist. In fact, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I started drawing at all! The progression has been like watching a puppy learn how to run – there was a lot of stumbling, and some panels looked as if they were in fact drawn by a dog. Over time, though, I found a balance between simplicity and expressiveness that I was comfortable enough with, though I’d argue it still feels sometimes like itā€™s barely baked (pun intended).” Scroll down to see the funniest comics!

Comic by Daniel Matheson.

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Horrifyingly Nostalgic Cartoon Makeovers by Daniel Bjƶrk

The innocent cartoons that shaped our childhood – and continue to influence our adult lives – have been given a haunting horror makeover by Swedish artist Daniel Bjƶrk. And the results are both creepy and funny. Daniel started creating these mashups more than 10 years ago. The artist usually draws them to look like a comic book front page for maximum 1980s and 1990s nostalgia. Scroll down to see the best examples!

Created by by Daniel Bjƶrk.

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2025 Chicken Daddies Calendar Is Finally Here!

Are you looking for the perfect calendar? You have come to the right place! Introducing “Chicken Daddies” – the best calendar you could possibly get for 2024. Seriously. You can get the the Daisy Dukes edition where the chicken daddies look really hot and pose as beautifully as possible with their belowed chickens or you can get the Broody Boys edition where chicken daddies take their sexiness to the next level.

Chicken daddies.

Chicken daddies.

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2025 World’s Greatest Mullets Calendar Is Here!

You might think that the notorious mullet is a thing of the past and nobody is committing this crime against hair anymore, but you would be wrong. It’s actually going strong and is quite popular with a certain kind of people. This World’s Greatest Mullets 2025 calendar will treat you to a magnificent mullet picture every month, each more gnarly than the last. Scroll down to check out some of the worst mullet examples!

You know you want this calendar.

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Dog Spider Costume: Hilariously Terrifying Halloween Idea

The last thing you want to see in your house – whether it’s hiding in a corner, crawling up your wall, or scurrying across your floor – is a giant spider. For many people, these creepy, crawly creatures are the stuff of nightmares. But all of that changes when Halloween rolls around. Dog spider costume is one of the hilariously terrifying choices to get your pet into the holiday spirit and potentially inspire some scares and laughs along the way.

Dog spider costume.

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