So You Can Now Buy a Nipple Knit Top…

It’s not easy to be a fashionable woman in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Just a regular boring knit top is no longer enough. Now you must cover it with nipples keep up with the times! This weird sweater is made and sold by Fashion Brand Company, a tongue-in-cheek company run by Penelope Gazin and costs $95. Visit her store here and get yours today, because it’s important to support small companies that make stupid stuff!

Nipple knit top.

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3D Printed Human Arms For Chicken

We’ve already featured chicken tutus, but it looks like it’s not the only absurd item chicken owners are getting for their pets. Lately they have been making chicken arms! You can actually get two different types of human arms for your pet chicken: muscular bodybuilder arms or baby arms. Both are sold on Amazon. If you don’t want to spend money, you can easily make them yourself: it’s basically just a couple of doll arms strapped together with a metal wire.

Human arms for chicken. Why not?

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You Can Get a Tiny Brush That’s Specially Made To Clean Out Your Belly Button

Is there any better feeling in the world than pulling out a monster lint ball from the deep chasm of a belly button? No, probably not. Well, now you can retrieve said lint balls with these new amazing mini lint brushes that are made specifically for belly buttons. It’s called the Belly Button Lint Brush, it’s made by Etsy seller MaggiesCraftSale, and they come in a variety of different colors to clean out the belly button in whatever your preference may be.

Belly button brush in action.

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The Crazy Hair of Mexican Cholombiano Subculture

Featured below are photos of Mexican urban teens by photographer Stefan Ruiz. These weird hairstyles and distinct outfits are a part of Cholombiano subculture which they represent. This subculture centers around cumbia music which became extremely popular in 1960s and found a strong foothold in Mexico, specifically with Monterrey. Then, around the late 90s, the genre bred a teen fanbase so passionate about cumbia that they began referring to themselves as Cholombianos, which simply means Colombians in Spanish. However, it essentially disappeared from Monterrey in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

Cholombiano subculture haircut.

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The Most Metal Animals Ever

If you think you’re the ultimate metalhead, you haven’t met these hardcore animals. Though some animals are just born with naturally rocking colours and features, others have unique traits that make them even metal-er (which is now officially a word). Scroll down to see a list of awesome creatures that lean toward the dark side!

This hellish creature should start a heavy metal band.

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20 Times Kids Cracked Up Their Parents With Hilarious One-Liners

Kids are known to say things honestly and without filters. Maybe because you don’t expect them to say certain things, when they say it, the only reaction left is laughter. One of those parents is Jessica Valenti, who shared how her 3-year-old daughter got sick after eating carrots but her reaction was that she would need even more carrots, which you could understand metaphorically and take inspiration to not give up when things get difficult. In response to Jessica’s tweet, many people started sharing some genius things their children have said, so here is a list of the best ones.

Whenever I get discouraged and want to quit something, I remember the words of my then 3 year-old after she puked carrots all over the living room floor: "I'm gonna need more carrots."

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