Cat Taxidermy Fails

Did you know that some people choose to turn to taxidermists to keep their pets with them forever? Well, now you do. Even worse than that, sometimes they choose to save money on this endeavour and seek the cheapest taxidermy services they can find. The results are shown below.

Cat taxidermy fail.

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People With Really Unfortunate Names

Not everyone loves their name but at least you don’t have to walk around as “Ben Dover” or “Mike Litoris”. It’s hard to believe that these unfortunate names were purely accidental. Their parents must’ve had them and thought, “let’s ruin their life from the start”.

Unfortunate name.

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Awkward Thrift Store Finds

A thrift store is a truly wonderful place for those looking to broaden their fashion horizons with some unique clothing pieces, get weird books, or buy some really awkward amateur artworks. Scroll down to see some of the best (worst?) examples!

Awkward thrift store find.

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