Question: what’s more awesome than a president riding a bear? Answer: a president riding a bear while shooting a machine gun! Featured below is a selection of awesome patriotic portraits by Jason Heuser. Every single one of these are available on his Etsy store.
If you like these portraits and wish to support the artist, you can buy prints at Jason’s Etsy store.
All of those Trump pics are laughable! He’s a moron.
Frankly, all our presidential portraits should be done by this guy
Obama on a stuffed lion with a crossbow. Perfect!!
ah, the 43. president yosemite sam.
I love Reagan not giving a shit about grabbing the wheel in the last one lol
Never realized Franklin was a president.
Seems American, obsessed with guns and attacking other countries.
It says patriotic portraits, not presidential portraits…
Obama could only dream of being that manly. Biggest presidential wimp ever.
Last I checked Trump dodged the draft… 5 separate times. If that’s not cowardly not sure what is.
He could kick your ass twice before breakfast.
He let his drones do his talkin’.
The orange stain has a built-in fan base and his ugly face makes me want to vomit. But all the others are wonderful in their own horrible way! These should be available on t-shirts, think of the freak show at the re-opening state fairs.
Should have FDR as a wheel chair cyborg.
To the anonymous that thinks Trump could kick my ass twice before breakfast. I’m an army vet with more than 3 years of deployment experience (over 8 in) in a specialty wherein I did more in a month than most soldiers did on an x-box during their career. Left the army and jumped to the other end of the spectrum and became an emergency physician. As such I can say definitively that Trump is also an obese, painted clown (that one’s not a medical diagnosis I’ll admit), pathological narcissist. I’ll leave it at that. Enjoy sleeping with your sister.
OMG People who still complain about trump prove Trump broke them. Really people, get help if you’re still butt hurt Hillary lost in 2016.
No picture of biden eating an ice cream cone while checking his notes on what to say? Weird.
The problem is that the deluded masses will buy the Trump ones and not get that it’s a joke.
Boy Trump sure still lives rent free in so many people’s heads. It shows you that they are the ones with mental illness not anyone else.
MAGA, Bytches !!!
It sure is funny how many people’s heads Trump lives in rent free.
Monica’s hand needs to be about a foot higher to be more accurate.
What? No Obama rampaging on his bicycle, wearing his helmet and mom-jeans? C’mon, Man!
I love TR vs Bigfoot. Bad ass.
Just jaw-dropping art. Love it all. I’d like to see Biden as a sort of dark lord. That is how history will remember him.
nixon? wtf
I love these especially the one with trump with the gun on stage!!!!!
Merica! F#*@ Yeah! Hurrah