Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence sees the stereotypical Walmart shoppers? You know… those people also known as Walmartians. In a world where artificial intelligence can analyze and dissect a huge array of data, we became curious to discover how AI sees them. Apparently AI thinks that many Walmart visitors actually eat burgers, watch live wrestling and get married in the store… Scroll down and prepare to be surprised, entertained, and amused! And try to not get offended, if you’re a regular Walmart shopper yourself.
That’s racist. Where is the diversity? Inclusion?
Self righteous snobbery.
I love the wedding party bus!
Obviously this AI has never been to Walmart. I’ve never seen a Walmart as clean as these.
In trumps Country, he has the best supporters

^^Joe our Walmarts are always clean. Don’t know where you live but perhaps the Health Department should visit
Photoshop lives
AI? These look like most Walmarts in every way. Just cleaner.
AI is no match for natural stupidity. And these are just that – kinda dumb.
…this effort and posting has no redeeming value. Nothing funny. Nothing clever. Nothing new. Nothing entertaining.
Right on! haha, obese white trash inbreds acting like farm animals perfect A.I .
This particular post seems to have hit close to home judging by some of the comments.
higher wages for self check out computers! strike strike!
looks like a white, self-hating person created the AI that generated these. My Wal-Mart is 50/50 white/black shoppers and I won’t comment on whose outfits are not appropriate for the public.
^ woketard
How do you know it’s an even 50/50 split? Liar.
Ok now let’s see a Walmart in Atlanta…
Those AI slobs are as dense as a neutron star.
I don’t see the problem.
While looking at these tremendously fascinating images I fell down 128 flights of stairs so I will be suing you you also ruined my McDonald’s 10 piece McNuggets because when I fell down the stairs they flew out of my hands and into the street nearby and my grandmother ran over it with her semi truck
Your lawsuit is frivolous. The EMS crew that responded should countersue for injuring their backs hauling your morbidly obese habitus to SeaWorld for your CT scan.
Nothing to see here. Please keep moving on.
Feelings?? Never heard of ’em!!
This seems less about the specifics of Walmart and more about the psychology of why New Yorkers are afraid to cross the Hudson into the rest of America.
The only one I can relate to is the cat bashing the self-checkout. Most of the rest make me want to gag.
Which AI was used?
A couple are okay, the striking self check-out and the wedding one, but the rest are… not great. Some of them straight up body horror…
Looks pretty much spot on to me.
these are so beautiful I am crying. I am crying greasy tears of happy. I am safe now. All is good. The bad people in my head parts have stopped screaming. Thanks you and lots of stuff. I like asparagus and ice cream, but not together, because that is for weirdos, but I tried it once and it was pretty good.
The sad part is they are not far off from real life.