Walmartians: People of Walmart

There’s a special kind of people you only see at Walmart. These weird folks are known as “People of Walmart” or “Walmartians”. They can be easily identified by their questionable wardrobe choices, some Walmartians are known to engage in peculiar activities, such as riding around on motorized carts while eating a bucket of fried chicken and blasting country music from their boombox, others may be found attempting to haggle with the self-checkout machine over the price of a bottle of Coke. So the next time you venture into Walmart, keep your eyes peeled for these fascinating specimens. Meanwhile scroll down for some of the craziest examples!

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

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65 thoughts on “Walmartians: People of Walmart”


  2. There’s a time & a place for those outfits AND Walmart isn’t one of them! WHatever happened to Indecent exposure!

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