Walmartians: People of Walmart

There’s a special kind of people you only see at Walmart. These weird folks are known as “People of Walmart” or “Walmartians”. They can be easily identified by their questionable wardrobe choices, some Walmartians are known to engage in peculiar activities, such as riding around on motorized carts while eating a bucket of fried chicken and blasting country music from their boombox, others may be found attempting to haggle with the self-checkout machine over the price of a bottle of Coke. So the next time you venture into Walmart, keep your eyes peeled for these fascinating specimens. Meanwhile scroll down for some of the craziest examples!

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

Walmartians: people you only see at Walmart.

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65 thoughts on “Walmartians: People of Walmart”

  1. I’ve seen a lot of these before over the years. So it’s not the crack epidemic or catatonic children and so on that horrify me. It’s the guy in the gray robe. He’s barefoot. BAREFOOT. In a Walmart. That’s squirm-inducing.

  2. I think it’s time that we retired the ‘People of Walmart’ meme. It’s clear that the US has a lot of issues and people who need help are obviously not getting it.

  3. I once worked at Walmart for 6 hours. I felt it was better to leave than to catch Space Herpes.

  4. Lg, I believe you may be right. Many of the same could be seen at Arndale on a pension Thursday. Shirtless and toothless meth heads hanging around the ATM.

  5. During the height of the pandemic, we went to a local Walmart. Amid the sea of (all of the above) were four teens. Decked out in their Goth finery. BUT… DRESSED! Blazers, vests, shirts, skirts, slacks, shoes. Just Goth eyeliner, piercings, hair, etc. But they were DRESSED! Wonderfully dressed! I wanted to thank them for raising the class of the joint up a couple of notches!

  6. I live in Europe. Is this something you can see on daily base or is there a specific theme from time to time?

  7. Wait’ll you find out all these people are ahead of you in the queue for boarding on your Spirit Airlines flight.

  8. Unfortunately, it’s not just the States, more common than you’d think in other countries.

  9. Just go to Tesco…
    Or any edge-of-council-estate convenience store. Pajamas and fluffy slippers abound.

  10. I just wish the country would embrace its fundamental super-weirdness instead of shoving it under the rug and maintaining the pretense of normality while we try to defend ourselves by wrapping up in layers of aggressive snarkiness.

  11. that girl with the pink leggings, I almost thought she was butt naked is that just me?

  12. i saw this white girl with her as all out at Walmart
    she looked homeless and probably ate out the trash

  13. That kid lying down just looks like kids being kids lol. I remember trying to squeeze into the “first floor” of the shopping cart…fun times

  14. I don’t understand how people could just leave the house like this! I would die of embarrassment!

  15. Why do fat parents put their fat kids in carts or. Worse still, handicapped access carts. It keeps needy people from needed services. Acting politely to free up a seated carts from lazy people never frees the cart but increases curses and ‘assaults” accidentally driven by people proving their points against the physically challenged! Go home!

  16. Schockierend die meisten Fotos. Ist das aus den USA? Das sind sichtbare Verfallserscheinungen einer stets nur selbstverliebten geschmacklosen Gesellschaft die keine Würde für sich und Respekt für andere mehr zeigt und die Meinung des anderen nicht mehr lernt zu ertragen. Soll das Freiheit sein? Ich verzichte gerne. Gut das ich das brutale Land nie besuchen möchte.

  17. Gotta say in all my years of going to Walmart in my area, I’ve never seen anything like this. The only thing I’ve ever seen “out of the ordinary” was a 30something wearing cat ear headband. So no strange Walmartians around here.

  18. We have Walmart’s everywhere here in Canada and while there is an odd duck in there occasionally – I have never seen ANYTHING REMOTELY CLOSE TO THIS. Not even 10% of this.

    It’s gotta be a US thing. We travel lots globally and it’s not acceptable elsewhere, IMO

  19. Walmartions are getting up to Florida and Ohio sus.
    This is one of the main reasons why I don’t shop at Walmart anymore.
    – Don’t shop at Walmart – it’s not worth your braincells.

  20. Along with loss of respect for many people and things, these Walmartians seem to have lost respect for themselves. Many look tired and poorly nourished. Many seem to be in a heat wave and didn’t bother to dress before leaving their nomadic RVs and vans to go into the store. Above all, this speaks to the failure of the American public education system, which is being kicked over the edge by underfunding, deSantis, bigotry, disinformation and politicians of the right-wing cult. A sad portrait of how far from “greatness” is the America that is flirting with authoritarian fundamentalist religion and fascism. Would be funny if it weren’t so tragic.

  21. These pictures were on the internet way before Trump and, probably, before Obama. Also, do not forget that these are compilations, not one day in one store.

  22. As entertaining as these great photos are, I’m always torn between wondering why other people think it’s okay to force us to look at them “this way”, and then again, how it must be wonderful & freeing to not know body shame or to care what other people think. Just be who you are, all the time, where ever you are.

  23. Ici, en France, une seule de ces situations, ferait rappliquer illico presto la police !!

  24. This is awesome — and hilarious. These are “whackadoodles”… people with a wildly different sense of what is appropriate in public and what “looks good”. Prior to about 2000 such weirdness wasn’t interpreted as a need for government “services”. New hair and fashion trends in the 60s through 80s seemed odd/silly/goofy when they arrived, but nobody felt obliged to throw money at people wearing them. Sheesh.

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