Pet-Proofing Christmas Trees: The Funniest Examples

We all know pets get a bit psyched about the holiday season. They eye the tree with admiration just seconds before murdering it. Anyways, what follows next is a destroyed Christmas tree lying on the floor with broken ornaments all over the room. The good news is that with simple tricks shown in the photos below, it’s no longer necessary for you to choose between having a pet OR having a fabulous Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

Pet-proofing Christmas trees.

Pet-proofing Christmas tree.

11 thoughts on “Pet-Proofing Christmas Trees: The Funniest Examples”

  1. Cats should be dressed and ready for roasting at this time of the year. A few weeks aging does wonders for the taste.

  2. Never understood this Christmas tree tradition. Why is it good to have a decorated corpse in your living room?

  3. I understand the tradition of dressing up pine trees started with the Germanic barbarians. The Germanic tribes, however, would use the intestines of their slain enemies to wrap around the pine trees as an intimidation tactic. “Oh, Tenenbaum” indeed!

  4. I need to know what the black cat in the vacuum upright pic, did to deserve 3 awards!


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