Donald Trump has made the plastic straws great again by signing an executive order aimed at encouraging the US government and consumers to buy plastic drinking straws, pushing back efforts by his predecessor to phase out single-use plastics and tackle waste. The internet has reacted the way it always reacts – by spitting out a buttload of funny memes. Scroll down to check them out and let us know in the comments below if you are for or against plastic straws!
If you enjoyed these memes, we have lots more in the archive. Check them out! Also go get yourself a shitload of plastic straws on Amazon! It’s legal now. Please note that our site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
Wow! This guy! Or maybe he actually perfected time travel with all them billionaires tongues and jump the US back 50 years.. regardless this episode of Trumpflix is very entertaining
i know, right?!?! but 50 is a bit low. from wikipedia “Feudalism, also known as the feudal system, was a combination of legal, economic, military, cultural, and political customs that flourished in medieval Europe from the 9th to 15th centuries.”
so, more like 600 years.
Idiocracy, the prequel – Now live !
Lots of bitching and whining; not much funny!
Awwww, poor butthurt twinks.
The internet has reacted the way it always reacts – by spitting out a buttload of shite. There, I fixed it for you.
GOP Aid: Mr. President. We have no plan and our new budget cuts cost us more than we save, more people will live in poverty, our allies are alienated and our enemies laugh at us. People will notice.
Trump: Bring back plastic straws!
People: Yay, best president ever! F*ck them turtles! ‘Murica!
New studies confirm that fake news originates primarily from the right-wing camp.
Two teams show that right-wing populist MPs spread far more disinformation on social media and that right-wing media are less trustworthy.
Links are not allowed, so just search for:
1.) When Do Parties Lie? Misinformation and Radical-Right Populism Across 26 Countries
2.) Best practices for source-based research on misinformation and news trustworthiness using NewsGuard
That in the first picture is Trump’s last straw when his palace of lies collapses over his head.
Question: Who drinks coffee with a straw?
Answer: The same ones that believe chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
We’ve seen Trump needs to hold a water bottle or a glas with both hands like a toddler. Just google it. I guess he likes straws and drinks even his redwine with a straw.
sippie cup
Been a while since a post. You okay?
I love how people think AOC is responsible for how companies package food
Simpletons need simple narratives.