76 thoughts on “The Funniest Anti-Trump Protest Signs”

  1. Lots of signs, but not a fact amongst them. Nor a brain. But boy, are they good at sucking up the latest BS the Left shovels at them.

  2. “I hate Trump because it’s trendy and hip and lets everyone know I’m cool!
    I am a big douchebag poser!”
    Basically what I’m reading in the signs

  3. Glad to see pissed of members of the President Trumper Tantrum fanclub in this comment section. Go on, cry some more.

  4. For people who claim liberals to be extraordinary sensitive and coin the term “snowflake” for them, it sure is ironic how sensitive they are about their support for trump. I mean if being sensitive is bad (as they claim is destroying America) then WHY do they feel compelled to comment such defensive comments⁉️ Lol SUCH hypocrites they are‼️

  5. Hilarious. Humor is all we have until impeachment. Still, clever is clever regardless of politics.

  6. No doubt a number of the protesters are racist,right wing fascists who enjoy posing to rip on someone who’s viewpoints are too tame and liberal for them,while creating an illusion they’re one of the “good ones”.

  7. God Bless the resistance…

    Trump supporters will need to return to their monster truck rallies once this fool is impeached…

  8. Although the public has become entirely enamored with Reality TV and living their lives in a fish bowl, this embarrassment of an administration will end with a ho hum whimper not a bang. Russia, porn stars, espionage and political “dirty deeds” are all very sexy but nearly impossible to prove to everyone’s satisfaction. Let’s face it folks, even the most rabid Trump supporter will deflate when a hefty RICO case crushes the Bumbler in Chief and his many minions. It should be lost on no one that men in dear Donald’s age bracket operated with impunity for years and were already under scrutiny by Treasury and the Justice Department long before Trump became President. The old boys greed didn’t allow them to wake up and smell that brand new techno world they were flaunting their blundering, old school graft and corruption gravy trains up against. Donald and company are nothing more or less than a sorry bunch of con men and criminals, this isn’t about politics and policy, never was about patriotism. It only ever was and is about money, greed and self interest, everyone knows it. So, the childish name calling, jeering and hatefulness can continue unabated, won’t change a thing. Mr. Moneybags, his friends, associates, family and quite a few of his Republican supporters are simply common crooks-tax evading, undocumented immigrant employing, money laundering, contract & loan defaulting, bankruptcy declaring deadbeats. Like Water Gate it only remains to be seen how many fall from grace.

  9. Wee wee wee all the way to a Moscow hotel room. I’m still looking forward to the day Trump’s no longer useful to Putin and the tape is made public.

  10. Humor is a sign of intelligence. And is funny as hell watching the knuckle draggers exhibiting no sign off :)

  11. no way nj mike is from nj. jersey folk have the highest awareness of trumps mob connections and the rot that is rhe kushner family business. he is either a kid or a gop troll farm.

  12. Aww look at all the triggered trump buttlickers. Dont be mean to their orange God, they need him to lie to them.

  13. At least we can all agree that Dumbf__k Donnie has done exactly one good thing: He has caused total morons like NJ Mike and other Trumpkin rubes to actively self-identify, saving the rest of us the time and trouble of figuring out which of our fellow citizens are too incurably gullible/stupid to deserve our time.

  14. All of his supporters are just blind sheep, too stupid to understand truth. A huge chunk of people are going to end up owing the government money come tax time, SAD. Everyone knows his “tax breaks” are just for his criminal friends on wall street. They all got their heads so far up their own butts they can’t see the light of day and once everything collapses they still won’t admit that trump is wrong.

  15. I am encouraged to see that I am not the only person who thinks we have a moron for a president. His supporters are such loud mouthed, hat wearing suckers, I often feel like a single voice of reason.

  16. nj mike, not sure why you bothered to look. If you were expecting praise for the fuhrer, you got the wrong forum, bud.

  17. I feel sorry for these brainwashed people. Trump’s Prison Reform Act alone makes him a good guy.

  18. You are really sad…do you not see the terrible things your president has made America great..my ass hes putting it in the swamps

  19. Anonymous on April 3rd:
    Trump’s sexual assault of 23 different women alone makes him a bad guy.

  20. Scratch anything “good” he has done and you will find something that smells really bad.

  21. Sad bastards. Loads of snowflake liberals still thinking they can run the world. they don’t see the irony they are as power hungry as the very man they have a go at.

  22. Andy talks of “Snowflakes” how ironic that he, Gammon Face, is the only Snowflake I see on here commenting…pathetic little W@n*er.

    Bwhaaahhahaha :D

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