This Brave Man Protests Annoying Everyday Things With Funny Signs

As the saying goes… “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” So the creator of What Do You Meme? partygames store Seth decided to make a stand against annoying mundane things by bravely protesting with DIY cardboard signs.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

469 thoughts on “This Brave Man Protests Annoying Everyday Things With Funny Signs”

  1. That one drives me crazy. The saying is supposed to be “I couldn’t care less”. NOT “I could care less”. Sooo many people say it wrong.

  2. I could care less. It is possible that I could care less, but I would have to work at it and, frankly, it’s not worth the effort to care more about caring less.

    “I couldn’t care less” suggests you care enough to have put forth the effort to consider the possibility that there might be something about which you might care less. That’s too much work for somebody who might care less.

  3. Finally- someone is bringing up the real topics that matter! Stop daylight savings time. Sign guy 2020!

  4. Buck naked, not butt naked. Bald-faced lie, not bold-faced lie. Regardless or irrespective, not irregardless. The statement “the US dollar is backed by bonds” isn’t just false, it’s literally gibberish gobbledygook.

  5. “And that is why we say “I couldn’t care less” in the UK.”

    Actually, you say both, just like in US. And you make fun of those who get it wrong. It’s not regional.

  6. The people in the comments still got it wrong.
    “ I couldn’t care less” means you already care the least amount possible. AKA there are no more effs to give. Saying you COULD care less means you kind of care and there is still room for giving the maximum amount if not caring.

  7. Carole S is a moron. Couldn’t care less about your opinion. It’s the least thing I could care about. If you can care less about my response, I appreciate you putting value on my opinion.

  8. Cain’t is not a word. I just can’t.
    Spaghetti is not Pasketti.
    Potatoes, potato’s. Tomatoes, tomato’s.
    Refrigerator not Fridgetrater.
    She and I, not Her and me, not me and her.
    Never end a sentence with ‘at’.. Grandma always said it’s between
    It’s between the A and T!!

  9. Carol S your stupid comment made my head hurt. To say you care less, means you care. To say you couldn’t care less, means you literally do not care at all, and it would be impossible for you to care any less about it.

  10. Used to be “I could almost care less,” a more subtle way of saying “I could not care any less even if I tried!”

  11. He should protest Google, who made it so that when you Reply to a Google Group message, you DO Reply to All. Be careful out there, folks!

  12. This guy has some amazing signs! Really, PLEASE DO stop replying all to emails where not everyone needs to get your response! That is why I hate group texts. I get annoyed when people say “I could care less”. I want to ask them if they could care MORE then. And mostly I agree that changing our clocks twice a year makes NO sense!!!

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