This Brave Man Protests Annoying Everyday Things With Funny Signs

As the saying goes… “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” So the creator of What Do You Meme? partygames store Seth decided to make a stand against annoying mundane things by bravely protesting with DIY cardboard signs.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

This guy likes to protest against mundane stuff.

469 thoughts on “This Brave Man Protests Annoying Everyday Things With Funny Signs”

  1. Oops I meant to say LOOSE and LOSE are not interchangeable. ALSO, ALL CAPS IS JUST RUDE. Ha ha ba-dum-tissssssh!

  2. “I could care less” makes sense if it’s an abbreviation of “I could care less if I’d tried”, and in that sense, it’s totally acceptable.

  3. Also, According to chemistry, alcohol IS a solution.
    Likewise, suicide IS the answer, if the question is, “What is the term used for self murder?”.

  4. Anonymous, you missed the point. The correct expression is, ” I couldn’t care less.”

  5. I’m pretty sure the saying is ‘i couldn’t care less’ which makes complete sense….🤦

  6. Here in Australia everyone says “I couldn’t care less” and we laugh at anyone who says otherwise. It doesn’t make any sense at all.

  7. I think people say it wrong because the words come together more emphatically so it’s more satisfying to say. Something about the contraction In the correct phrase interrupts the flow…it’s like trying to slam one of those drawers that are engineered to close softly. But yeah, the wrong way makes no sense.

  8. People being interviewed on TV, stop answering questions by starting sentences with ‘So…’

  9. I got one… I COULD 😜(pun intended) care less that you’ve won every spelling bee you ever entered, this is only Facebook so calm down and let’s continue this frivolous debate. Lol

  10. I think this guy he’s hilarious #Ellenshow @ellenshow you should talk to him! He’s hot too which helps just saying

  11. He needs a sign about “could of” instead of could’ve or could have. That one ruffles my feathers.

  12. Let’s try to explain it this way.

    Make a caring scale from zero to one hundred (0-100).
    0 = not caring at all
    100 = you care about it more than anything

    If you could care less you’re telling that person you care anywhere between 1 and 100, not 0. Because if you cared zero you couldn’t care less, you’re already on the lowest lvl of caring at zero.

    I could care less means you do care.
    Hope this helps x

  13. It’s Asocial not Antisocial. “Asocial” suggests indifference to or separation from society, whereas “antisocial” more often suggests active hostility toward society

  14. One should be: the drug free zones. Aren’t ALL zones supposed to be drug free?!?!?!

  15. The ‘could care less’ phrase in the U.K. is used as ‘I couldn’t care less’. Now – that makes sense.

  16. As much as I like this, one should spend their time being concerned only about the things they can control so they can avoid therapy later in life.

  17. Well done guy, for saying what everyone is thinking, plus you are super cute, come to South Africa, we have things like load shedding (organised brown outs) and president Zuma. So much material for you to comment on ;)

  18. These aren’t annoying signs, I’ve agreed with all of them, except don’t like friends or Steinfeld, stupid humour.

  19. And you don’t “push the envelope”. That’s stupid. You “push the edge of the envelope” – as test pilots did when the pushed the edge of the envelope of a plane’s capability.


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