As the saying goes… “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” So the creator of What Do You Meme? partygames store Seth decided to make a stand against annoying mundane things by bravely protesting with DIY cardboard signs.
As the saying goes… “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” So the creator of What Do You Meme? partygames store Seth decided to make a stand against annoying mundane things by bravely protesting with DIY cardboard signs.
Stop stopping at the top of the stairs to the subway to look at your phone.
Stop looking at your phone while you walk, you can pause movies.
Stop eating aromatic food on the train.
Stop coughing ON people.
Friends was a terrible show.
Food pics are boring.
Twitter is not a news outlet.
Take off your backpack on a subway.
Don’t lick thing. Period.
Don’t talk about composting. Just do it.
Everything is not *amazing.*
Adult are not adulting. They are adults.
Handlebar mustaches always look dirty. Stop it.
Stop picking your beard.
All nut milks taste the same.
There is no such thing as a super food.
Stop remaking foods you can buy in packages for less money.
Stop making videos of cheese and bacon balls.
Influencer is not a job.
Say “At the end of the day” ONE MORE TIME.
It’s not “YAY”, it’s “Yea”.
Learn the difference between your and you’re.
Learn the difference between there, they’re, and their.
There is no such word as “hisself”.
Don’t put “I” at the end of every sentence to make yourself sound smart. It’s not a picture of Mary and I. It’s Mary and me.
Is too Yay
Srop saying irregardless
You give your “regards“ to Broadway, but you write in “regard” to something.
he’s in NYC at least in the one where he is standing in front og the sign that says “Manhattan Bridge”.
It’s America, not Murica
STOP saying “Have a good one”
STOP saying “huuuuuuugh”
STOP calling me hun, sweetie, miss
STOP being a jerk to customer service
The list goes on and onM.
If someone tells me “I could care less”, I ask for an example. “Of what?”
” Something about which you could care less! “
I love these!
Organic is code for more expensive.
Stop saying “So…” at the start of everything you say.
Just try to tell me what to do one more time!
Stop using “!” to shout.
“Functionality” is a made-up word.
Where is the beginning of the toilet paper roll?
Fun is a noun. It is not ” so fun”. Its “such fun.”
When you get to the bottom of the escalator, GET OUT OF THE WAY!
Stop saying “so” at the end of a sentence…what’s that supposed to mean?
Stop saying “I’m sorry but” you’re not sorry just say it
Quit making up words it’s conversing not conversating plus 100 other words!
Don’t say “what happened?” when you need something repeated. This may only be a SoCal thing.
Prolly is not a word.
Petty fools. Marc Aurelius wrote that there is nothing in this life so big that you can’t walk away from it. Or was it Snoopy the dog? Does this irritate you? Good.
It’s always in the last place you’re looking for it. Of course it is, why would you keep looking?
No one is playing as the Devil’s Advocate…it’s the Devil…he doesn’t need an advocate.
Stop dropping “you” at the end of “I’ll go with you”!
This guy is cute. Tell him I wanna date him.
Stop adding syllables to words…”Oh, God-dah, he’s so cute-ah,” and “realator” instead of “realtor.”
Not everything is “iconic”
Stop saying “So we’re on the same page.”
Stop saying “No problem” when you do something for someone. “You’re welcome” works just fine.
No, I’ve not seen that commercial.
I agree with Grandma. Why are you still single?
Stop using literally when you mean figuratively.
I’m still single too ;-*
It’s “ CIAO” not “ CHOW”
Stop saying “ YOLO”. You live each day but Die only once
stop politicking and piliticizing right and left be normal.
The Grand Canyon is “Awesome” not your lunch.
There is no S at the end of anyway
Yay IS the proper spelling…
So many times I’ve thought the same things his signs say. Especially about the dog poop!
Stop saying “It’s a capacity issue” instead of “There aren’t enough people working here.”
Stop checking your phone on the equipment in the gym. Get up and let someone actually use the equipment while you check your phone!
How is it possible to love someone to the moon and back if you’re not an astronaut?
What does it mean when someone “likes” a post about a family death?
Stop putting those “Baby on Board” signs in your rear car window.
Stop flicking your nasty cancer stick butts on the ground, yes it is littering!
Stop taking selfies in front of your shower curtain
Stop saying ‘No problem’ when I order fast food. I’ll tell YOU if there’s a problem.
Start saying ‘sorry’ when you’ve screwed up my order.