Sitting at home with no idea what to do to entertain yourself? Even if you don’t go out to enjoy art in museums, that doesn’t mean that life has to be boring or uncultured. You can recreate a famous artworks at home using just a sock, a roll of aluminum foil, and a rubber duck… or any other random mix of common household items. Let this gallery be an inspiration. Scroll down and get ready to embark on a wildly creative journey of DIY masterpieces!
these are pretty brilliant
Best for me is “running time” with sausage LOL
I was not amused.
Grapes for hair
Love how creative humans are.
Pfttt. Useless lockdown drivel.
Very good,got to get busy.
Dogs playing cards was the best recreation.
I love looking at this collection of creative images.
I love looking at this creative collection of images
W images
Rockwell’s Principals Office looks like it could be a movie.
I was sitting in my room’s patio of back yard, and I saw a tall old thin pond tree that stood at my neighbor’s backyard. Its hair and leaves fall to the ground. There a tangle bunch sticking out hairs surrounding a tree look like a big bird. The other tree had a big bird was sitting on a brand look alike that same of both trees.
I love to look the old couple are hating each other. He scares me like scared her and she scares me like scared him with a wood stick that she tried to beat his head. It is so funny when a couple were getting old, and their loved opposition to each other of hated each other. “Ha!…Hah…”
The olive loaf Dali made me choke on my drink.
2014 calendar repeat in 2025 and 2036 will repeat in 2064 and 2108
love it
Awesome and creative!!!
Cleo de nile x draculaura
But very cool
I do Enjoy the creative repupusing energy
Another quality post on this site. This post got me shaking in my boots with the quality of the quality images that could be found on this quality site that is of good.