People Are Creating Royal Portraits Of Their Pets

Let’s admit it, we all know who actually runs our household. We love them, pet them, feed them, entertain them… we are basically servants, and our pets are kings and queens. And we are not even mad about it⁠. We want to take it to the next level of adoration and obsession and make them feel like actual royalty, just like they seem to us.

Dracula cat.

The startup Crown & Paw extends a helping hand to any pet owners who want to treat their beloved floofs to something unique and unusual. This company has been operating for a little over a year now and specializes in creating custom pet portraits with a royal twist to them. Digital artists combine 19th-century portraits and rare Renaissance-era oil paintings with your pet photo to achieve this funny and heartwarming result.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portraits.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

Royal pet portrait.

5 thoughts on “People Are Creating Royal Portraits Of Their Pets”

  1. Odd. These all work! You’d have to look twice to see the joke if the animal wasn’t there.

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