Russians Love To Build Food Tanks

For some weird reason Russians love to make and eat food tanks. It’s probably not just cooking – it’s a special operation to kill hunger. Seriously though, what the hell is wrong with Russia? Have they all gone insane?

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

Russian food tank.

If you enjoyed this madness, also check out Russian priests blessing weapons and Russian car tanks that we have previously featured on this wonderful site.

28 thoughts on “Russians Love To Build Food Tanks”

  1. Russians are not insane. They just don’t forget very easily that they were the ones who smashed Hitler’s war machine at an unimaginable cost in its Great Patriotic War. 1941-45 really was an existential crisis for them. The West has forgotten all about that, now that the old WWII generation is disappearing.

  2. We Poles remember that the Russians AND Ukrainians invaded Poland at the same time as Germany. Stalin was very much an ally of Hitler at first.

  3. Al-nonymous: Stalin feared Hitler and tried to buy him off by supplying resources to Germany. Getting a piece of Poland was payback for the Russian defeat at the hands of Polish forces in the Miracle on the Vistula (Battle of Warsaw) in 1920. The Russian (or the Poles, for that matter) never understood the depth of Nazi hatred of all Slavic peoples as well as the Nazi’s desire to extinguish Slavic culture – the Asiatic horde, as it were.

    You confirm my statement that our Eastern European brothers and sisters have much longer memories than those in the West can imagine.

  4. The worst thing you can do is support Russia with any sort of attention. Save Ukraine!

  5. Yum! You gotta love the Russians. I am growing Russian tomatoes and kale this year. Very scary!

  6. That one with the parachute and plane must be a depiction of when they shot down the Ghost of Kiev.

    Personally, I don’t know what’s the worse disinformation source: The Fog of War or the Fog of BBC/CNN/Twitter. At this point, I hope they both lose and go back to being crooked oligarchies.

  7. Ah, those lovable Russians.

    Killing thousands of people just so their dictator can secure his “big man” status in history (look everyone, I restored the borders of Greater Russia).

    If only they had the courage to overthrow their little dictator.

    I guess they’re still serfs at heart.

  8. Less of an article more propaganda. Takes me back to the First Cold War. Back then the same stories would come out about how the current leader of the USSR was dead/dying and it was actually a body double blah blah. Of course it’s more full on Russophobia these days, more akin to what the Americans were subjected to, Europe didn’t go for it then as we knew that they had stepped in to save us in WW2 and had suffered terribly for it. NB much of the fascination for tanks is to do with the upcoming 77th Anniversary and the ‘Z’ on the tanks is two sevens one on top and one upside down below it – commemorating 77 years from WW2 ending and perhaps a reference to denazifying Ukraine – which it actually needs..

  9. The Russians beat the Nazis, not the US. Combined, the UK and US lost less than a million. The Soviets lost 26 million. And you’re making fun of that patriotism? Also, the Chinese lost 20-25 million fighting Japan. As to the Poles, they should remember that Nazis and their Ukrainian allies (the Bandera group) killed tens of thousands of Poles and many more Jews. If you read the Brit historian A.J.P. Taylor you’ll discover that Stalin tried for months to ally with the UK but was rebuffed. The Brits thought they could defeat Germany on their own. Teaching world history in the US means focusing everything on US visions of grandeur.

  10. The Russians couldn’t do anything without US supplies.Stronginva.
    Also those casualties we’re caused by callous leaders and poor training, tactics etal.

  11. I love how cucumber and potato pictures turn everybody in to political and historical analysts. I would suggest everybody just to relax, eat the tanks, and concentrate on the anal aspect of thr situation and live the yst out of this silly pages.

  12. In WWII the Soviet Union was invaded 1,000 miles deep by Nazi Germany. They faced and defeated – at great cost – some 300 divisions of crack Wermacht and SS troops, the best Germany had.

    Meanwhile the Allies did not invade Europe (D-Day) until after the Soviets had pushed Germany out of Russia and were advancing into Europe. The Allies faced some 20 divisions of largely 2nd rate German troops in Europe after the bulk of the German Army had been destroyed by the Soviets.

    After the war Stalin offered the US the neutral reunification of divided Germany as an independent non-aligned country (see ‘the Stalin Note’, 1952). The US refused.

    All this is factual history, as is the aggression of the “defensive” NATO alliance against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Libya, none of which attacked any NATO member, and the expansion of NATO as an offensive force against Russia after the USSR collapsed.

    So those of you drinking the KoolAid supplied by the same people who lied to you about Vietnam (the Pentagon Papers), Iran-Contra, WMDs in Iraq, RussiaGate, Jeffery Epstein’s ‘suicide’, and pretty much everything else, you might want to plug in a neurn or two – if you have any to spare – and consider the reliability of your favorite drink. Because all this is history, too.

    Knee-jerk Russiaphobia is a symptom of brainwashing.

  13. I am surprised the letter Z wasn’t put on all of the creations. Thank goodness I don’t live in that Country run by an insane man with a little peepee.

  14. I’d have to argue that the UK hasn’t forgotten about the Second World War! We love it: Dad’s Army re-runs on TV, new WW2 films, WW2 themed weekends with re-enactors (Nazis a no-no, though). Throughout the pandemic it was ‘blitz spirit’ this and ‘blitz spirit’ that. It’s woven into the very fabric of our society.

  15. Not very realistic Russian tanks because:
    1) The turret is not airborne
    2) The rest of the tank is not on fire

    See elsewhere on the Internet for full details and lots of videos

  16. Hello owner of the site. I find it really annoying that in there face of death and war “some funny russian stuff” is featured here. Here in Europe people are dying. Russians committing horrible crimes against humanity and fighting an unlawful war against civilians with weapons as horrfying as the get. Please consider to cut this content. Any Laugh just dies within my throat.

  17. I have swastica tattoos and pray to Bandera. I use civilians as shields. I park tanks in schools and use kindergartens as barracks. I torture POWs before I kill them. I target civilians with artillery. I take foreign weapons and sell them on the black market for cash. I take orders from CIA and MI6. Glory to Ukraine!

  18. The Azovs of Mariupol got what they deserved! Maybe the Russkies can clean out the rest (Pravy Sektor, Svoboda, etc.) and return Ukraine to its proper place as Eastern Europe’s agricultural and manufacturing powerhouse (instead of the money-laundering paradise it had become).

  19. ‘They (Russia) must be thrown back into their icy wastes, so that they do not come and meddle in the affairs of civilized Europe for the next twenty-five years at least.’ – Napoleon Bonaparte

  20. Yes Russians make tanks with food, and judging from the result, they sent those tanks in Ukraine…

  21. Ok, some are made in Russia, but not all of them. As a Russian, I’ve never entered a friend’s house to see them place a tank cake on the table. And my parents never served me tank salad for dinner. You love creating new stereotypes, don’t you, SAU?

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