The Funniest Selena Gomez Crying Memes And Reactions

Selena Gomez is facing backlash after sharing a video on her Instagram where she was seen crying in response to the latest immigration policies issued by the US current administration. In the video that has now been deleted she said: “All my people are getting attacked, the children. I don’t understand. I’m so sorry, I wish I could do something but I can’t, I don’t know what to do. I’ll try everything, I promise.” While her intentions and tears may have been genuine, the reaction on social media was far from supportive. Scroll down to see the funniest memes and reactions!

Selena Gomez net worth is over a billion dollars, and she took to IG to film herself fake crying for illegal Mexicans immigrants… She should move them into her home, pay for their attorneys, and help them become legal American citizens

Selena Gomez right before crying her eyes out

*criminals getting deported* Selena Gomez:

Selena Gomez taking her music for a walk

When I'm in a making things about myself competition and Selena Gomez is my opponent...

Selena Gomez in her fake crying video.

Selena Gomez would really be crying if illegals moved into her mansion

Selena Gomez

Posted this other day, but with Selena Gomez, thought this was hilarious as the meme came to life:

A different Gomez crying just to break up your timeline a little:

Hey guys, Selena Gomez has deleted her unhinged crying video! Sorry, Selena, the internet is forever, and you are the laughing stock of planet Earth today

Poor Selena, boo hoo

Is Selena Gomez still crying?

Selina Gomez crying over mass deportations of criminal illegals:


Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez decided to record herself crying, deleted the video because she didn’t get the reaction she wanted, and then proceeded to not post a link, article, or literally anything that could help those being affected by the deportations…

Listening to Selena Gomez crying on repeat

After watching Selena Gomez cry on camera, I can see how uncomfortable it must be to cry with so much Botox.

Selena, the Internet is forever. And when you do something, this dumb it becomes meme worthy. Sorry not sorry

Selena Gomez crying on camera pisses me off. It’s totally okay to have feelings and cry. I’ve done it plenty of times. But why are you filming yourself? And then when people call her out she has to make herself the victim. She’s a BILLIONAIRE. There’s so much she can do to help

If you enjoyed this selection, check out our other collections of memes. It’s all good stuff, we promise.

5 thoughts on “The Funniest Selena Gomez Crying Memes And Reactions”

  1. That “civilization” joke was good. As anything on and in the USA was ever civilized. 😂


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