You Can Now Order Your Very Own Personalized Shrunken Head Replica

Stark Raving Mad Studio will create alarmingly realistic shrunken head to your specifications. Feathers, ropes, spikes? It’s up to you. Complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and nose hairs (for the extra gruesome) you can also add facial hair (beard, moustache, goatee). Every head is unique and shockingly realistic.

Shrunken head replica.

We’d say it would make a great revenge gift for a frenemy, or your ex-girlfriend Karen who surely would have her head shrunken for real if she lived amongst the Jivaroan tribes in the Amazon. Or you could hang the replica from your rearview mirror to ward off break-ins. Either way, it wouldn’t be cheap, each head costs around $300 and can be ordered on Etsy.

Shrunken head replica.

Shrunken head replica.

Shrunken head replica.

What’s your opinion on this? Would you spend your hard-earned cash and take up this extremely weird offer?

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