This Walking Sleeping Bag Onesie Lets You Run Away From Bears

There are two kinds of people in this world, there are those that love camping and sleeping on the ground or in a tent, and there are those that just hate it. Those that hate camping should stop reading this post and check out bean bag onesie instead. But for those willing to stick it out on the ground, perhaps it’s time to invest in a sleeping bag with legs that will greatly increase your survival chances when the inevitable bear attack occurs. The sleeping bag onesie essentially lets you wear your sleeping bag like it’s a piece of clothing, with leg and arm pieces.

Sleeping bag onesie.

You can even fasten the hood on it all the way up to get nice and snug inside, while leaving very little opening for any cold to get inside. It’s also quite useful for those who live the north and wish to keep themselves warm while it’s already cold outside, but the heating season hasn’t yet started. Or for those who just like to look ridiculous every now and then.

Sleeping bag onesie.

The sleeping bag with legs and arms comes in sizes ranging from Small to X-Large to fit most sized humans, it’s water resistant, machine washable, and you can choose from multiple colors to fit your extremely nuanced fashion taste.

Sleeping bag onesie.

During the day you can remove the foot attachments and put on your real shoes to walk around all day while wearing your sleeping bag. However, we suggest that you keep your shoes on at night too, because you have to be ready to run from hostile wildlife 24/7. This really is more a lifestyle choice than a sleeping bag.

Sleeping bag onesie.

If you get extra cold at night (or you just want to look extra crazy), you can even wear the sleeping bag onesie inside of another actual sleeping bag.

Sleeping bag onesie.

You can snag one of these walking sleeping bag onesies from Amazon for around $140-$300 depending on your color and size selection.

2 thoughts on “This Walking Sleeping Bag Onesie Lets You Run Away From Bears”

  1. Not that long ago, in Australia at least, you could buy quilted ‘tank suits’. These were like overalls, but quilted like a sleeping bag. The old Centurion tanks the Australian Army had back then were unheated, and sucked the heat out of your body in cold weather, so they had these suits.
    A friend of mine bought one from Dietch Bros. disposals in Sydney (anyone else remember that Aladdin’s Cave?) and called it his ‘walking sleeping bag’. He loved it.

  2. Never try to outrun a bear, sleeping bag or no. You can’t! Oh, and btw bears can also climb trees, so don’t even try!

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