Someone Noticed That Cats Use Parking Bumpers As Pillows, And It’s Oddly Wholesome

Twitter user Ijnaoba1927 from Japan captured the internet’s attention when he posted a couple of photos of their neighborhood cats resting their heads on parking bumpers, using them just like pillows. These photos sparked an epic thread that vent viral and many people added more pics of cats relaxing on parking bumpers, and it’s adorable.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

Cats sleeping on parking bumper pillows.

6 thoughts on “Someone Noticed That Cats Use Parking Bumpers As Pillows, And It’s Oddly Wholesome”

  1. Too lazy to hold their heads up so use the blocks as props 😁😁😁🐈😸🐈😸

  2. These look worryingly like cat execution preparations. I’m not getting ‘wholesome’, more ‘urban/industrial nightmare’

  3. What are all theses cats doing in parking lots anyway? Why aren’t they at home, or don’t they have a home?


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