People Are Making Trump Photos With Tiny Hands To Annoy His Fans

There’s a new movement dedicated to piss off Trump supporters and we have a feeling that they will be very triggered. Scroll down to see the funniest examples.

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

Trump's hands are so tiny!

65 thoughts on “People Are Making Trump Photos With Tiny Hands To Annoy His Fans”

  1. There’s something SERIOUSLY wrong with Trump supporters. You somehow think he’s strong because he can stand at a stupid MAGA rally and make weird sounds, funny faces, throw his arms all over, degrade people over and over again! He’s nothing but a funny looking showman. He’s stupid, corrupt, racist, phony, selfish, narcissistic to a seriously mental disease, cares about NO ONE, or the country, except the money he get for kick backs so the environment can be poisoned, he’s the most pitiful excuse for human being there ever was! And balls, lol smaller than his hands. Support him and our country will be destroyed!

  2. This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. The Dummycrats are the stupid ones. They have been acting like children for the last 4 yrs. I was a Democrat all my life until Obama was running, then I switched to Republican and will stay a Republican. There was NEVER a conflict like there is now in past. We voted and accepted who won the Presidency. People had common sense before Obama and Clinton started their outrage against Republicans. Through all this President Trump has managed to do his job and do it well, despite harassment every day for 4 yrs. and donated his paychecks to charities who needed it. Tell me what other President would run the country for free. (Especially under the circumstances he has been forced to work under)

  3. His tiny hands symbolizes his puny sense of dignity, of humanity, of morals and judgement. How would his manic supporters feel if their children were snatched away from their arms, put in cages, and then sent to other cages in other states with no plan to keept track of their families?

  4. when u guys say stuff like hey Anonymous i hate ur opinion well which Anonymous are u talking to

  5. It’s amazing how so many things Douglas Adams wrote about Zaphod Beeblebrox apply to Donald Chump.
    “If there’s anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now”
    Voted “Worst Dressed Sentient Being in the Known Universe”
    “His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it”
    “Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job”
    “Much to his annoyance, a thought popped into his mind. It was very clear and very distinct, and he had now come to recognize these thoughts for what they were. His instinct was to resist them”
    “If I told you how much I needed this I wouldn’t have time to eat it.” He ate it.

    And did Chump say this during his Space Force address? It sounds like him:
    “Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”
    I’m torn, there’s the word “vastly” which I’m sure he doesn’t know, but there IS the word “hugely” which we all know he knows. Chemists are medical establishments and we know he doesn’t believe in universal access to those, but then there’s the word peanut and he’s OBSESSED with those.

    And finally on hearing of his election win (thankfully from another part of the world) I became Marvin “Funny how just when you think life can’t possibly get any worse it suddenly does”.

    I feel sorry for the Americans who voted against Trump. It’s distressing the number of people who are dying right now because of him and his his incompetence (It’ll be gone by April. So beautiful). Those who voted for him are directly responsible for America’s unfolding tragedy. Don’t get me started on President Xi Jinpooh.

    Unfortunately I think he’ll win again because his likely opponent is far too old and may have the early stages of dementia. He’s older than Regan was at the end of his presidency! Chump will win by default, not by choice. I just hope there’s a world left in 4 years time.

  6. @Nancy knipple: “TrUmP ManAgEd to Do HiS joB wELL”

    By blaming Obama, being a racist, trying to keep canadians out of america, and trying to tell people to use disinfectant to cure corona?
    What’s even worse is he claimed he was being “sarcastic” after the backlash from outraged people.
    He seems to always make excuses and run away as soon as he causes outrage. That’s why he decided not to guard the Canadian boarded, and that is also why he claimed he was being “sarcastic” at the corona thing.
    A true president would issue an apology and try to change his ways instead of making countless excuses and blaming others for everything.
    Anyone can donate to charity, but that doesnt mean they are a good person. Many people do it only for recognition and popularity, not for the charity itself.
    People are usually really comfortable following good leaders with good morals as of lately, and so far only rednecks, entitled Karen’s, hill bullies, and very racist, judgemental, people, have been following trump.
    I havent seen many smart, decent, normal people even support trumps bullshit.

  7. Looks like more people hate him than like him by the votes here. Kind of reflects the election results, you lost.

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