Swedish Artist Group Called Anonymouse Creates Tiny Houses For Mouses The Around City

Anonymouse is an anonymous group of artists who spread magic all throughout the streets of Sweden by building these adorable mini houses for mouses and displaying them in public. We invite you scroll down and take a look at some of the most adorable mouse-themed pieces of architecture and don’t forget to visit their Instagram account for the latest updates.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

Tiny house for mouses.

19 thoughts on “Swedish Artist Group Called Anonymouse Creates Tiny Houses For Mouses The Around City”

  1. Beautiful. I have a question, I am not a native English speaker but I always thought, the plural for mouse was mice not mouses. Am I wrong here?

  2. Anonymous. You are correct but it’s used incorrectly intentionally here for whimsical rhyming with ‘houses’.

    ‘Mouse house’ is fairly common as a piece of whimsy (it’s a pleasant rhyme referring to something that doesn’t really exist or that could be better referred to by a simpler word, e.g. ‘cage’).

    This case presents the opportunity to pluralize and the forced nature of the resulting formulation (having to add ‘for’) and the necessary use of the incorrect plural for mice adds to the charm of the phrase.

    In addition it invites the reader to reverse the phrase to create ‘hice for mice’ and so it also satirises the absurdities of the English language.

    There are possibly additional allusions going on to. One that sprang to my mind immediately was the UK phrase ‘homes for heroes’, which was originally a post WWI initiative launched by the government to address the threat of socialist revolution following events in Russia by improving living conditions for the working classes. The phrase is regularly referenced in the UK, and ‘houses for mouses’ accidentally or deliberately brings it to mind with an amusing sense of bathos.

  3. Ah yes. The “Socialist Revolution”. Look what we’ve got now. Almost makes you nostalgic. In Luton, Beds. the men (heroes) back from WW1 and finding life impossible and with NO homes for heroes or anyone else. marched on the Town Hall and set it alight. Famously Luton Council’s record only go back to this point in history. The rest burned.

  4. Fantastic! Such imagination! I’d love to have one for my flower garden, I’m sure the chipmunk and birds I feed daily would love the new addition. Thank you for your beautiful artwork.

  5. That’s SO AMAZING. used to wish I could jump inside Beatrix Potter books of the kid. we could never have something like that in America. It ruined in less than a day, which is so sad because this is so cool.

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