Men Are Decorating Their Beards With Flowers For The Summer

It’s not easy to be a fashionable man in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring beard is no longer enough. Now you have to put flowers into your beard to keep up with the times… and indeed many men around the world are letting flowers to bloom all over the Instagram with the #FlowerBeard trend. Scroll down for some of the finest specimens!

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beards.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beard.

Flower beards.

12 thoughts on “Men Are Decorating Their Beards With Flowers For The Summer”

  1. To paraphrase a mildly famous actor turned politician, “They look like a bunch of slack-jawed wimps”

  2. Who’s says men haven’t got an artistic side? Lovely. Now wait for the bees to start following them.. Actually I think they look beautiful.

  3. Soy boy end boss. They’ll whip you with a knit scarf that’s 9 yards long and breathe on you with ‘cum breath’ attack.

  4. These aren’t men. They’re neutered “feminists” who say nothing but “yes” to the women in their lives (unless they’re total poofs, and that alone robs them of maleness). These unfortunate creatures have allowed themselves to have the masculine cut out of themselves by vapid women who made up toxic masculinity so they can justify screeching about their insecurities. This whole gallery is pathetic.

  5. Lot of really fragile men in this comments section. Why can you let other guys have a little fun?

  6. yeah I agree, I mean it looks nice and if the guy likes it, like its making him happy and it doesn’t affect other people at all, then why do you care

  7. lol i have a beard. i put pencils and small tools in it.

    pretty sure these guys are doing it for lulz, sorry that those commenting manly men lacking any sense of humor took such offense. or perhaps it’s .. .. envy XD

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