This is the ugliest, weirdest and downright worst cat we have ever seen. Just look at it. Look at it! Horrible!
If you want to see some proper cats (not like this horrible specimen) check out our archives.
This is the ugliest, weirdest and downright worst cat we have ever seen. Just look at it. Look at it! Horrible!
If you want to see some proper cats (not like this horrible specimen) check out our archives.
Enjoy that cute baby now because when it grows up it will kill you
Hippos: Murderers of the vegetarian world.
How dumb do they think I am? That’s obviously a chihuahua.
I’m with Anonymous – cats have retractable claws, that animal is clearly a dog.
It’s a pigmy hippo people.
“It’s a pigmy hippo people.”
Nothing gets by you does it?
Ahh a rare breed indeed
Your name here: The only way a hippopotamus raised by humans in captivity would kill you is by cuddling, either way it won’t be painless.
IT’S A HIPPO NOT A CAT (and how dare you call it ugly)
/whoosh to above Anonymous.
What is that, a hippo?
I’m ashamed of you all! That is clearly a parakeet! A featherless, newborn, large beaked PARAKEET!
Roses are rhed, the h is unvoiced, this cat is unwantedly chubby and moist.
I will never look at a cat the same way again
I beg to differ that is not a parakeet, or a cat, or a hippo. that is quite obviously a pufferfish
Hippos are not vegetarian- the also like meat when they can get it and kill more people every year than crocodiles. Since I learned this, I am not getting my grandson the “Hungry Hungry Hippo” game. That little one is cute, though.
It is a sloth guys duhhhh
it is clearly a bird. I don’t think it is a parakeet, but i am no bird expert
Mean I think it’s cute 🥰
Stop insulting the hippo how dare u call it ugly it’s gorgeous
I think it fake
i think its A HIPPO it looks nothen like a cat and im a cat lady
why in the world would it be a stupid bird
That is a Pigmy hippo and when it’s an adult it will kill you
nice memes
Why is everyone being so mean to that cat? It’s kind of cute. And it seems friendly. But it does not look like a cat at all. It looks like a cute mini hippo.
I want one.
Some people have been saying that these are not cats. I understand wanting to believe that. It’s like wanting to believe that racism is over. We all want to believe that the world is a better place than it is.
However, it is clear that what you see here are in fact cats. They are just not very good cats.
-Sara of the original worstcats-blog
Cats should not be judged by their beauty. They should be judged by their breath. Maybe eating green stuff helps this breed in that crucial arena.
Guys it’s obviously a frog (and how dare you call it ugly)🤬
It’s spelled Pygmy Cat you morons
Nah this is a Trex dumbo and it is beautiful