327 thoughts on “People Are Making Tiny Trump Photos To Annoy The President”

  1. I love the spelling and grammatical skills of Trump supporters. I’d expect nothing less.

  2. You Rethuglicans laughed when the slowed down video of Speaker Nancy Pelosi went viral, so lighten up cry babes!

  3. Imagine cutting off the Queen of England like he is some kind of royalty himself, what an ego-
    centric , narcissistic self loving Jerk,if he could step back and see how embarrassing his rants and
    over the top self love is received by the majority of the people he might wake up but I doubt it, and his remarks of how what a genius he is laughable and his statement that the crowds against him in the U.K. were small is the same thing as his inaugural’s crowds head count.

  4. If we did something like that to the First Kenyan (Obamanation), we would be called racists. You hipacryts make me laugh. Enjoy the rockin economy, lower taxes, strong military, and no race baiting national speaches about a BLACK kid tragically killed while two days earlier , two cops murdered and crickets heard at thevwhite house. ……SMH. TARDS

  5. Finally, images of the Orange Orangutan in the same scale as his intellect. 2020 can’t get here soon enough!

  6. I remember a time not too long ago when the right used too post all types of photos of Obama poking fun at him and his wife,now that the tables has turned they can’t handle it,boi I tell u what goes around comes back around ain’t karma a bitch😂

  7. Laughs aside, Trumpty is a dangerous, demented, sex predator, a sexist, racist, bigoted uneducated philistine as well as a draft dodging, tax evading, justice obstructing, shifty conman.

  8. So….. Manipulate photos of Trump… Hysterical… Manipulate audio of Pelosi people should be jailed and their lives ruined…. Got it…. Your hypocracy is showing!


  10. To the person who posted “So….. Manipulate photos of Trump… Hysterical… Manipulate audio of Pelosi people should be jailed and their lives ruined…. Got it…. Your hypocracy is showing”

    Nobody is trying to pass these photos off as the real thing, the way people did with the doctored Pelosi video. Also, learn to spell, why doncha.

  11. Love this because guess what, it is funny. Like jokes are supposed to be. and it’s great to see all the idiots still commenting on how much they hate the man but when asked why they hate him so much, “uuhhhhhhhhh, he ummm said grab her by da p#ss@ an uhhhhh he is dum uuuhhhhhh oh an uhhhh he says uhhhhhh wehwww I dunnnno uhhhhhh buh he is rasssissss uhhhh yaaaaa dats it. Heee isss rassissss. F#ck Trumptoh”. I think I pretty much just summarised every idiots reason for hating the man. God forbid we look at real facts. We like the way we feel way better so F#ck you facts anyway. My feelings feel better than the truth all day. Hahaha. Like the genius that had the one liner up there about making the world more dangerous lol. You keep cnn in business so kudos to you. How’s isis doimg these days? Or Iran or even North Korea? Huh? Isis is defeated? Shit they are way more dangerous now. No new missle tests in N.K. Either? Wow we are screwed them. The world is a way more safe place when AMERICA leads from the position of power because even with ours flaws we are the good in good vs evil and we will never be under attack especially at home when trumps in charge because they know we will crush them before they realize it happens. Strength stops violence when the good guys have the position of leading with strength. That is common sense.

  12. In all the photos, I’ve noticed that Trumps hands are still to bigly! Not true to life!!

  13. To the guy up there in denial about what a terrible president Trump is, just ask all the other countries what they think of him, ask Americans who voted him as the least liked candidate and president in decades, ask the middle class who lost their IRS checks this year and had to pay extra taxes for the first time ever, whose wages haven’t gone up, who continue to have little or no savings, ask women about how he treats them and how he votes down equal pay for equal work, and other important advances for women, ask his workers who report how corrupt and ill-mannered he is, ask those in the apts he owns whose rent was jacked up because of his criminal activity that was finally busted, his University and charity that were stopped due to money laundering, his 6,000 and counting verified lies, the women he paid off with campaign funds, the IRS that busted him for tax evasion, his not so elequent and immature speeches, making fun of the disabled, cheating on his wife, his wife refusing his hand at his inauguration, the list goes on…..

  14. Nonamesneeded…Thank you for putting this into perspective for the morons who want to sing Trump’s praises. Trump should not only should be impeached, he should be imprisoned.

  15. When you read lunacy like above still supporting the imbecile, delusional is the main word that comes to mind. They have a nonsensical answer defending everything this misogynistic, small minded, narcissistic, crude and rude imbecile does. He did predict that though when he said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue in broad delight and watch his numbers still go up. He’s a master manipulator, cook and conman.

  16. How could he cook? His hands are so small he couldn’t lift a large frying pan!

    Well said, Nonameneeded and OusttrumpNOW! Not one “Uuuummmm” or “duh” in the comments. This will all be over some day. Such a shitty mess to have to clean up.

  17. Please vote him out Please, please just go to the booth and even if it’s Hillary again, vote him the H out.

  18. It’s easy to hate a power grabbing , uneducated , uninformed , white nationalists. And it’s healthy. Keep up the good work. We’re in a fight for Democracy after all.

  19. “Barak Obama:” Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to the entire world. His irrational behavior on the world stage has global leadership on edge. He has forced Iran to become more belligerent, given comfort to dictators like Kim and Erdogan, militarized our borders, waged economic war on our allies… and it’s beginning to look like he is pinning his hope for re-election on being a “war president.” Open your eyes. Fundamentalists support him because they hope he is the Anti-Christ who will usher in the Apocalypse.

  20. I’d like to respond to the person who said to ask other countries what they think of Trump. On behalf of the British people I would like to say you made yourselves the laughing stock of the world when you elected him (and that’s saying something coming from us and all our Brexit f-ups). If it wasn’t so incredibly terrifying that such a man was in power then yes it would be hilarious. Now, off you go and lock up a few pregnant teenagers who weren’t allowed contraception because of your ridiculous bigotry and should be flogged for not being middle class / white / male (you choose which one suits your beliefs best).

  21. This President has done more for our country than anyone before him. .You silly little “bubble headed ,protected millennials” have a great deal to learn about the REAL WORLD! If this were OBUMMER, we would be called racist,, bigoted, etc. Hypocrisy runs rampant with you socialist libs. Grow up!

  22. Even tho these are hilarious, sadly, mr. tiny still loves the narcissistic idea of his photo out there!

  23. Absolutely awesome , please keep them coming. Make sure Trump sees them so he knows what we ALL think of him.

  24. Trump is the biggest threat to the world peace! This is what most Americans and we, non-Americans, believe! He is just thinking of big deals such as selling weapons to idiot Saudi regime. I do respect the American people, but If some of you enjoy the money, then shame on you! He pretends he is fighting against corrupt leaders of some countries but actually he has caused more suffering and hardship for people in those countries rather than for the rulers!

  25. Trump is a dangerous fool,that’s the worst kind of president you can have like the drunk uncle at a wedding he’s capable of real damage

  26. This is some really funny shit! I’m sure he would disapprove. Share them to his Twittler account today, tomorrow and often!

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