327 thoughts on “People Are Making Tiny Trump Photos To Annoy The President”

  1. The fact that people support and defend him is terrifying. He’s not even a decent human being.

  2. Captured his images beautifully. To those who keep trying to convince those who think this man is “great”- its a worthless cause..there are idiots in the world that don’t want to hear anything, read anything, see whats going on in the world but want to hold on to the fact that the Apprentice was a good TV show for awhile. They love how he keeps firing his staff and government officials, its like a drug to them..treat them like a bug -take away their food source and continue to laugh at jokes like these in these sad times.

  3. trump has the mentality of a child when he doesn’t get what he wants. This country is not a reality show game and the minute he realizes he has done nothing for this great country we’ll be voting for a new President. Thank you Jesus.

  4. What a waste of time and silly comments. Just stupid. Some people just have nothing better to do. Hell get re elected again. I feel sorry for people like you.

  5. OMG! Both sides are doing the same thing people! Why on earth do people post this stuff? Because you want more division between our nation. Just stop and grow up. Let’s be a nation together.

  6. YES! Trump is the GREATEST President in the HISTORY of the UNITED STATES! He has accomplished more than any President in the World!

    Build the Wall and Mexico Will Pay. Check!
    Lock Her Up. Check!
    Ban on Muslims entering USA. Check!
    Rebuild the Clean Coal Industry. Check!
    Business Advisory Council. Check!
    Impose Freeze on Hiring Federal Employees. Check!
    Eliminate Common Core. Check!
    A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections. Check!
    American Infrastructure Package. Check!
    Renegotiate NAFTA. Check!
    Jared Bring Peace to Israel/Palestine. Check!
    Kill Obama Care. Check!
    Defund Planned Parenthood. Check!
    Greatest Health Care in the World. Check!
    Cheapest Medicine in the Entire World. Check!
    Get out of Afghanistan. Check!
    Establish a Commission on Radical Islam. Check!
    No More Democracy Building/Regime Change. Check!
    Space Force. Check!
    Drain the Swamp. Check!
    Best People in Cabinet Positions. Check!
    Sell Out Veterans to Private Business. Check!
    Cozy Up to Dictators. Check!
    Ignore Putin’s involvement in 2016 Election Manipulation. Check!
    Tax Cuts for Billionaires. Check!
    Put in Right Wing Activist Judges. Check!
    Tariffs on American Farmers. Check!
    Remove Controls on Global Warming. Check!
    Ignore Scientific Reality of Global Warming. Check!
    Release his Tax Returns. Check!
    Use foreign dirt on political opponents. Check!

  7. It’s well-known and documented that Trump has no sense of humor unless it’s at someone else’s expense. His cult followers are the same. Heil Trump!

  8. ‘So desperate to demean the best President we have ever had.’ Ha! He does the demeaning himself without any help. It’s the one thing he’s good at.


  10. Get me a microscope for the incredible shrinking Trump! I’m afraid we’re breaking Federal Regulations regarding work permits for children 12 and over. I believe Trumps’ mental age ranges between 11 and 12…….we best relieve him of his post!!!

  11. sooooooo funny….but I agree act like a spoiled brat treat him like the privileged child he his… Can’t tell him no…he’ll put you out of a job… not his rent, not his problem…

  12. “I believe Trump’s’ mental age ranges between 11 and 12……” Actually I think it’s closer to 3 or 4…

  13. Best laugh I’ve had all year. So glad this is irritating his sorry ass. This little prick. GFY.

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