126 thoughts on “People Are Photoshopping Trump As a Little Kid Just To Annoy Him”

  1. You can either vote for Trump again, or you can do the right thing. You can’t do both concurrently.

  2. It’s too bad that Trump’s handlers will make sure he never sees these. It would be funny to see his tiny little head explode…

  3. I know Photoshop is relatively new but we never felt the need to do this to any other politician. Trump’s spoiled brat petulance keeps him forever in way over his head. Get rid!

  4. Well, with paste-eating Joe Biden and crusty-commie Bernie as the best chances of defeating him, no need to rush the photoshop insults, as you’ll have another four years to come up with them.

  5. Smike, conservatives had respect for the position in the past…believe me we could have had fun since 2008 with your little Foreign Exchange Student Barry Soetoro and his “partner” Micheal…I mean Michele. And think about it Hillary, Bernie, Elizabeth, Beto…christ Smikie, get someone with just a little integrity to run!!

  6. Known Stranger you have a warped perspective on “respect”. Calling Michelle “Michael” is not respectful, nor are all the photoshopped pictures of them as monkeys. trump as a toddler is funny. The Obama pictures are flat out racist.

  7. Bad taste. Disrespectful. Racist? Not. Insult that the Obamas are even in the images. Gotta have a problem to call these “racist”. I detect TDS …

  8. Trump has seen these many times. People put these on his twitter every day. He’s still a coward and will always be a criminal.

  9. I’ve photoshopped every democrat in congress with a bullet in their head, just so I know how it will look.

  10. Trump would get a good laugh at this. He would know they were the product of small minded haters who know nothing about reality

  11. Humor is a very human reaction to help us cope in these scary times. But if you really want to be terrified just remember that, thanks to his dementia, this is a pretty accurate depiction of his mental age.

  12. Trump’s victory in 2016 is an indictment of the American people. The man arrived a known quantity, so we only have ourselves to blame. The ruin of the United States does not come about by one person, but rather by placid, uneducated, uninvolved citizenry. If he wins again in 2020, think of what that really says about the people of the United States.

  13. Trump’s victory in 2016 is an indictment of the American people. The man arrived a known quantity, so we only have ourselves to blame. The ruin of the United States does not come about by one person, but rather by placid, uneducated, uninvolved citizenry. If he wins again in 2020, think of what that really says about the people of the United States.

    Note to Anonymous: We already know about the mentality reality of the American voters. And the findings are grim. Add redneck and ignorant to your list of characteristics.

  14. I think we all are forgetting the fact that Trump was a Democrat who supported Bill Clinton both financially and endorsement-wise. He did not become a Republican until a dresses-in-drag Guiliani slapped some conservative values into him.

  15. They are very funny! I see you do not photoshop democrats because you would “hurt there feeeeeeelings” and they would melt because their little fragile snowflakes. As someone else, mentioned you’ll have four more years to come up with some new stuff. Yeah he tweets some dumb thing but unlike the Dems he gets things done!

  16. Five more years you say . If Trump as you may have heard won 😱 in the military court .

    Get used to it snowflakes ( and i’m the king of them ) The Man ( Trump ) is here to stay until he chokes on his burger and fat aspirations. Until then just don’t pay too much attention to the guy.

  17. Omg these r awesome sooooooo funny I’m a democrat but that doesn’t mean i don’t like republican it’s just that trump acts like a 3 year old. I bet he doesn’t even know what 2+2 equals. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Bladeslinger2 Living rent free in our heads? That’s because we have enough space to allow for the morally bankrupt to do that. When do you want to move in?

  19. yet he still behaves like more of an adult that most Dems these days.

    I can almost guarantee you that Trump doesnt give a flying ****. He’s POTUS, leader of the Free World and you’re doing a shit job of copy and paste because you think he cares – enjoy you’re next four years of Trump after Nov 2020

  20. Guys its literally not that deep. Its just funny pictures. Also: to the person who commented “your an idiot,” check YOUR grammar. Its you’re ;)

  21. How about Nancy Pelosi throwing her drunk temper tantrums. Trump way smarter than Obama the Community Organizer in Chicago….


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