We honestly have zero idea why these photos were taken and what’s really happening in them. If you can come up with an explanation, we would greatly appreciate if you left a comment.
15 thoughts on “Pictures That Are REALLY Hard To Explain”
#15 is almost straightforward to explain. A zoo in Japan had a tiger escape training, where they trained how to deal with people running around in animal costumes….eew no, sorry, that was another one. Wait, what? Ah, yeah, right, they simulated a tiger (and afaik a lion, too) escape.
This is the best example of “sad and useless” photos I’ve ever seen. So bad yet so hilarious. Well done crazy people!
Whichever the substance the Japanese and Korean are using, I want some. NOW.
Great! I appreciate that very much
#4 is a scene from a Korean movie.
the guy holding the fish with cheese on his head is a victim of 419eater.com
A good many of these are Russian or Japanese. That’s all the explanation you need.
Nah just another week day from asia
hail eris?
We are doomed as a species.
I get the swamped at the office picture, and the sail fish,
They all look pretty self-evident to me…
I can’t un-see the old guy in the speedo. Please no.
#15 is almost straightforward to explain. A zoo in Japan had a tiger escape training, where they trained how to deal with people running around in animal costumes….eew no, sorry, that was another one. Wait, what? Ah, yeah, right, they simulated a tiger (and afaik a lion, too) escape.
This is the best example of “sad and useless” photos I’ve ever seen. So bad yet so hilarious. Well done crazy people!
Whichever the substance the Japanese and Korean are using, I want some. NOW.
Great! I appreciate that very much
#4 is a scene from a Korean movie.
the guy holding the fish with cheese on his head is a victim of 419eater.com
A good many of these are Russian or Japanese. That’s all the explanation you need.
Nah just another week day from asia
hail eris?
We are doomed as a species.
I get the swamped at the office picture, and the sail fish,
They all look pretty self-evident to me…
I can’t un-see the old guy in the speedo. Please no.