10 thoughts on “Trump Cats With Toupees Made From Their Own Fur”

  1. Insult to any feline. I’d rather see their loose hair combed over one of their turds – much more realistic.

  2. Come on people! Show some critical thought! Do you think Orange Man is the first oligarch elected to the presidency who committed a crime? Every president since Truman (at least) could have been brought up for crimes against humanity.

  3. To me they seem to sort into two categories: 1) They understand that they are being mocked, and 2) They think they are extra-cool now. Mostly #1 though.

  4. Economic Hitman, “But Mommy, Billy pulled the cats tail, too”.
    Mommy, “But he didn’t swing him around with it and then throw it under the bus like you did.”

  5. Ron Desactimonious. Your comment really is an example of the idiocy that passes for political discourse in the West. The complete lack of self-reflection, strategic planning and infantile straw-manning is why I have deserted the mainstream parties. I fully plan to vote an outsider – perhaps Jill Stein.


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