Tupac Socks With a Bandana

How did we found out that this hilariously dumb sock design exists? Thanks to @ojedge Twitter post of his girlfriend mistakenly buying Tupac socks instead of two-pack of socks. The socks with bandana accessories stitched to the sides are designed by label Stance and are available on Amazon. They pay tribute in a striking way to late rapper Tupac Shakur, who was shot to death in 1996. The sock incorporates a bandana that ties a knot around the cuff on an illustrated graphic print of one of the entertainer’s most iconic photos.

Asked my gf to buy me a 2-pack of socks and she came back with these wtf

As you can see from the gallery below, Tupac socks went viral after this tweet and many more people have enriched their lives with them and are proudly sharing their love for Tupac on Instagram:

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

Tupac socks.

If you wish to join these people, Tupac socks are available on Amazon.

4 thoughts on “Tupac Socks With a Bandana”

  1. Tell me that you’re white without telling me that you are white:
    Have you seen my new Tupac socks?? They come with a real bandana attached!

  2. Race related comment was successfully posted. Congratulations for being a party pooper.

  3. He murdered a child. QA’ID WALKER-TEAL. He was 6 years old.
    Please let’s celebrate him! All black should matter even the ones murdered by rappers.


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