14 thoughts on “Horribly Ugly Sweaters From 1986 British Magazine “Wit Knits””

  1. This is more than a sweater smorgasbord, the models are all minor British BBC celebrities from the early 1980s. Bonnie Langford and John Hargreaves, among many others. So this was probably some kind of charity money-raising event … couldn’t imagine anything more authentically 1980s British than B-grade celebs touting weird knitting designs for “charidy” on the Beeb … priceless, thank you

  2. A real trip down memory lane. Quite liked the piano one lol but the tassels would get furry after a while.

  3. Most of these celebrities were playing up to the camera, I think. Most were known as being quite camp and silly (John Inman, Christopher Biggins, etc) and fully aware that their outfits were ridiculous.

  4. models looked more human back then; kindness and empathy had yet to be slaughtered. perhaps that went with the sweaters…

  5. I liked the cat of stardust imprint sweater too. Infact after watching all these sweater for a longer time you really start to like them all. They were so innocent and simple and affordable most probably. Unlike today where they sell only brand name but no comfort or longetivity with any purchase. A roadside stuff last longer than branded one.

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