Ugly Babies That Look Like Middle-Aged Men

While every baby is cute and charming in their own way (not really, ugly babies is a thing), some of them come out looking so old that you might mistakenly call them “Sir.” Have no idea what the hell we’re talking about? Scroll down and try to ask yourself if you’re really looking at a baby, or a middle-aged man who is very disappointed with the fact that Gen Z is ruining the world.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

So what’s the deal about ugly babies? Why is it such a taboo theme? Adults find babies most appealing when they reach around six months old. That’s when babies have evolved cute characteristics, such as big eyes, chubby cheeks and cooing noises in order to bring out a nurturing instinct in adults that better ensures their survival. Suggesting that a couple’s offspring is anything other than extremely beautiful is a bit like taking a dump on their wedding cake. It attacks their ego. That’s why it’s such a taboo theme. Please let us know in the comments below if you feel that this gallery is offensive or in bad taste. We love angry commenters, they really bring this site alive.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

Ugly babies is a harsh reality.

21 thoughts on “Ugly Babies That Look Like Middle-Aged Men”

  1. I’m pretty sure about half of these babies have that look on their face because they’re pooping.

  2. This last comment *above* is SO true. One of my grandsons looked alot like these babies when he was a newborn and he is 9yo now and gorgeous; he’s gonna be a real heart breaker when he grows up!! (not just bragging…he really is beautiful.)
    So, you just never know!

  3. Its the difference between saying “omg, your baby is beautiful”,and “aww, that’s great, you had a baby”

  4. There is a saying in Dutch
    Lelijk in de luier ,mooi in de sluier
    Luier=diaper,sluier =bridal veil.
    This means an ugly baby becomes a good looking adult.

  5. Met my wife’s best friend right after she’d had her first child. First thing she says to her: “O my god… that’s the ugliest baby I’ve ever seen!” And her friend responds, “I know, right?”
    I knew right then I had to marry that girl.

  6. My mother told me she cried when she first saw me – bald, no chin and looking like the cartoon character Andy Gump. All three of my kids and at least two of my grandkids came out looking so much like me that you’d be hard-pressed to tell who was who from our baby pictures.

  7. This old southern woman I know one time was in my kitchen and she had a jar of those little green olives with the red pimentos in them… she pulled one little olive out and said, “Oh!!! This reminds me of an ugly baby I saw… bless it’s heart…” then proceeded to go into great detail about it being the uuuuugliest baby… bless it’s heart…. 😂

  8. I never heard this phrase: „Ugly in the cradle, pretty at the table.”
    Are you trying to tell us you’re cooking babies??

  9. There is an old Turkish proverb: ‘Even the lowly beetle is beautiful in the eyes of its mother’.

  10. 😂 Why do some look like they’re on their 17th go at life, complete with the receding hairline and judgey frown..Alright let’s get this over with 🙄

  11. This post is just so unfair to the little angels that we all adore.

    They come into this world kicking and screaming (splitting us open with excruciating pain ☺) and pooping and crying 24/7. Being adorable is THE LEAST they could do 😑


  12. thanks. The Mrs is crying now.
    Got a bun in the oven right now and his chin is not visible in ultrasounds. Can’t wait to take cheeky pics like these.

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