Instagram’s #UnibrowMovement of Proud Monobrow Women

Why have two when one is enough? Women all over Instagram are celebrating their love for a single eyebrow with #UnibrowMovement hashtag. If you’re searching for a new look, this might be it! Scroll down to see some of the examples, and let us know in the comments if you find this beautiful!

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

Epic unibrow.

29 thoughts on “Instagram’s #UnibrowMovement of Proud Monobrow Women”

  1. I applaud all these strong and beautiful women for not letting others opinion to dictate the way a woman “should” look.

  2. These women look terrible. What’s next? Each one modeling her over-grown, disgusting armpit hair? No. Hairy women aren’t attractive.

  3. Everybody should have 2 eyebrows. Only some people have a monobrow and usually it’s men. Maybe it’s just another move towards being unisex.

  4. It truly is high time we revisit this whole “Just you be you! You go!” mentality. I was born of a generation were we would pull the person aside and say “Pluck you F-ING eyebrows, already! You look like crap!”

  5. That looks awful. And there is nothing strong or beautiful about it. I’m a guy who would also have an unibrow and bodyhair like a bear but as opposed to these women I have enough self awareness to do something about it

  6. I am a bit upset to see the recognizable cultural divide showing on this topic. Society at the moment really makes me afraid of the future.

  7. What’s next to show how you won’t bow to (what you believe) is tyrannical patriarchy? The ‘I dropped my poptart’ survivors movement? The ‘I didn’t clean my toe jam’ movement? The ‘feminist dingle berry division’ ? Do what you want, Chewbacca. I’d like to look at someone enjoys being well groomed for the sake of their own appearance, and not this ersatz activism you’re congratulating yourself with.

  8. I think the whole ‘I don’t care what other people think, I am me’ vibe is bullshit. They care very much about what other people think, they wouldn’t load up their pictures if they really didn’t care.
    They care very much and in particular the people in their social mediabubble.

  9. Everyone who is talking about how nasty these woman are should be ashamed. As a woman with a unibrow, and especially as a kid, society burdens us to look a certain way. It’s easy for the so called 2 eyebrowed ppl to just get up and go but it’s so much upkeep to tweeze and wax and whatnot. My whole life i have feelt like I have to hide what I truly look like in order for society to accept me. I didn’t choose this uniborw. It chose me and along with it came this societal stigma to conform to what is considered by others to be esthetically beautiful and acceptable. I’m so happy that these woman are taking a stand and presenting their true self to the world. Even if it means you’ll be called Nasty and ugly. All of you who consider these woman nasty and ugly should really take a good look at yourself. Not your outer self but you inner self. If your spending you time degrading others for being their true self then it’s a fact that you are the actual nasty and ugly ones. You go girls! You are all beautiful!

  10. The ones with fake hair, & make-up would be better off ditching the time it takes for all that, & instead using the time more wisely & grooming the facial hair more instead. Prioritizing is important. The way they are presenting themselves tells the world they don’t know how to prioritize (considering what Ive already mentioned), or they are trying to be different in a world where everyone is the same now because pretty much every fashion thing has been done, & everything goes now, but they want to be different so they’re attempting to use shock value to get attention, & be “different.” Most of the comments are already showing that people are tired of people trying to use shock value in the name of being different.

  11. I think it’s strangely attractive. I’d take many if these women to dinner and have no reservations about it. Maybe I’m weird?

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