Photographer Lara Vychuzhanina recreated scenes from Soviet life using the Barbie and Ken dolls as the main actors. As you can see from the photos, Barbie and her husband are hanging out in a communal apartment sporting a garb straight out of 1980s USSR. Ken is looking fairly stern, it must be said, as he sits at a table complete with vodka, cigarettes, and Pravda newspaper… Maybe he’s unhappy about living with Barbie’s mum, who is doing the washing up…
To make it realistic there have to be a bear with balalika instead of cat.
Love it!
lets hate men a little more next time, and show them drinking even more alcohol and looking terrible
lEtS HaTe mEn a lItTlE MoRe nExT TiMe, AnD ShOw tHeM DrInKiNg eVeN MoRe aLcOhOl aNd lOoKiNg tErRiBlE
sounds like lo needs more beer!
I’m with lo– guy looks like a narcissistic abuse victim and barbies the narcc
Genius! Shared to other artists.
сказочные подробности!
just great those dolls just depict soviet life in the 1970s. Cleaver girl who made it
Pretty much what I recall when I visited in ‘91
Could actually be downtown NYC in the 60s.