12 thoughts on “Vegans Taking Their Pets For a Walk”

  1. Pet doesn’t last long. Also you won’t get any love from it. Do they eat it after dragging it around !

  2. B-b-but the poor vegetables. This is VERY problematic. Sickening abuse of these poor soil-kittens. They are living things, not playthings!

  3. Yes, even vegetables have life and feelings but the emotions on vegetables are at very low level and so we kill and eat them for our survival. So as a vegetarian I must say that it is waste of time and so instead of wasting time on it, invest the time and resources on caring other animals and birds who have high levels of emotions & feelings.

  4. I think it’s fake.
    I think it’s an artist who brings these out to the streets and gets people to pose with them.

  5. “I think it’s fake.
    I think it’s an artist who brings these out to the streets and gets people to pose with them.”

    It had me fooled until Holmes pointed it out. I thought it was a genuine trend (even if ironic), but this was all done by one person.

    They’re not all the same, but the use of a chain attached to the root end of a lettuce in exacly the same way occurs way too often, as does the use of a metal skate in conjunction with a chain. The chains are all the same design. A minority of photos involve a nylon leash, just enough mixed in so that the over representation of identical chains is not too obvious. But even then there are several identical leash and harness combos.

  6. Screw it, animals and plants feel pain, and plants can fear things, so your damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

  7. look. you eat or you die. either you eat living things and deal with the “guilt” (more like deal with the sanctimonious), or eat dirt and hope that your body creates chlorophyll. up to you, good luck.

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