In Case You’re Missing Malls, Here’s a Reminder of People You Can Meet at Walmart

Is it really so bad to sit home during a COVID-19 lockdown? Maybe getting food delivered to you is better than meeting these fine specimens at Walmart on daily basis? Scroll down for a little reminder of mall horrors. Warning: you might need an eye bleach after seeing this gallery.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

People of Walmart.

If you enjoyed this gallery, you should also check out People of Walmart Coloring Book which has been an Amazon bestseller for several years now.

96 thoughts on “In Case You’re Missing Malls, Here’s a Reminder of People You Can Meet at Walmart”

  1. A good argument against, er, going shopping while overdressed for the occasion. My eyes are a bit sore too.

  2. I feel sorry for the boy with smoking pumpkin mom. What chance does he ever have.

  3. If someone posted this, but all the photos were of non-white people, you would all be dying of massive butthurt. But it’s totally ok to slam whites, because that’s not racist and they never notice cause they’re too dumb to get on teh internets, hur-hur-hur. Great job people. Thanks for re-electing Trump, dumbasses.

  4. Hey Hubris… less telepathy and prejudging, and more sense of humour please. Also, nobody is too dumb to get on the internet, and that’s part of the problem. ;-)

  5. Is this the country in which the majority don’t believe in Evolution but in Creationism?
    Oh, yes, that’s what God had in mind when creating people…: the PERFECT species!!!

  6. This is what is referred to as The Great Unwashed. This is not to say these are bad people, but… some personal choices are very telling.

  7. People are very….unique goes to show….and sorry but GOD didn’t create anything it was called evolution and that was all natural no upper being is helping us along the way because if he was then why does he let people suffer as much as they do? and why are there still mental disorders? why do i stilll have depression and other things even though i tried to get help? Why is he letting people and humanity and his world fall aprt in front of our very eyes? where is he?

  8. sorry but god does not exist this is all humans god didn’ create anything……..jut saying

  9. um well i m religious and that is insulting and rude. God did create everything and why do HAVE to put religion into this i was having a very good day until YOU so next time don’t be JERK please.

  10. I just know that the ONE time I go to Walmart with my adult diaper showing, some jerk will take my photo to put on the internet.

  11. Mostly complete slobs flaunting obesity, disregard for the slightest fashion decency, and of course that special trailer park brand of ADD so popular with the Jerry Springer fans. This has nothing to do with Trump politics or religion, but a lot to do with showing us they don’t care about themselves or us. Their apathy towards me is totally reciprocated!

  12. Hey, just remember, rest of English-speaking world, the reason we have so many people in America who believe in Creationism as opposed to Evolutionism is because they were kicked out of your countries and came here for the freedom of religion which we hold so dear. Our nation was settled by Rednecks, Puritans, Quakers, various Catholic sects (namely Jesuits) and myriad other persecuted religious groups.

  13. I think everyone one of these ‘people’ went through my check out when I worked the midnight shift at the West Metro Atlanta store!

  14. Why does Wal Mart a Fortune 500 company allow this? Their administration and management are jokes. If they respected what Sam Walton created and their employees none of this would happen. But it’s the all mighty dollar they worship. Unless it’s halloween there’s not another store out there that allows customers to come in and shop with no shoes and half dressed.

  15. Trump is the greatest President our beautiful country has ever had. God Bless Trump

  16. I guess I feel as though I am never in position to judge anyone. There is a story behind everyone of these folks. (Mental illness, poverty, social ignorance…) But I am actually applauding the woman with her kid handcuffed to the cart! LOL! There should be more parents with that much forethought.

  17. I don’t know what Walmart theses were taken at but I have never seen anything close to this. Does anyone think this is just people dressing up (or down I should say) just to make these things. If these are real -humanity humanity god help us all

  18. …figures and poverty, even some of the more questionable fashion choices are one thing, but why did so many people decide to go to a supermarket in their UNDERWEAR? Or so obviously without any underwear!?

  19. People, Trump had nothing to do with dressing these people!
    Why don’t you try to get educated first and learn about freedom of choice before you slam anyone!
    It’s so easy to hide behind a keyboard!

  20. To the people talking religion and trump they have nothing to do with people who don’t care what they look like in public!!

  21. Ok, so I see a lot of trump dislikes, so if this is real, if the polls are real! I ask please come out and vote! Let the voices be heard by your vote! If this is real don’t let it happen again! Go out and vote!!!!

  22. I think they relate trump because alot these people support him. mostly ignorant people supporting the backbone of trumpism, the front bone are the smart businessmen benefiting from his mandate. Overall if there is so much hate for this president the only way to show it is to come out and vote!

  23. Yes I agree, from the previous post! There is so much hate for this character Trump! So where were you 3 years ago when the voting started??? I know you know! It’s your fault for not going out to vote!!!

  24. Ok folks this has nothing to do with Trump or God. This is free will of the people and what the store allows.There are store that won’t let you in without shoes or a shirt so what’s the real problem?

  25. Hahaha!! Lol so many trump haters… I am here on a business visa, love USA, but leaving the states back to my country and taking all money with me! I am not risking it here, trump is creating so much devide, awaking racism and mad dog politics making this very unstable. Save your money Incase this crazy president takes you to the ruin!

  26. I am a trump supporter, but also been in jail 3 times, people say I am white trash and stupid, but I am telling you this president is ready to fight Incase a space invasion——aliens are real—-and I think covid was sent to make us weak and they will attack next.

  27. I don’t understand why they are relating these dumb! Ignorant! Big wig people with Trump? Oh wait… I see it…

  28. Why did it all become about Trump??? These Faulks are probably mentally ill! How is mentally ill people related to trump???

  29. This has nothing to do with trump, unless you are referring to most of his last voters. Please be objective, keep politics out. I see the relation, but leave that old men out!


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