Pulsing Umbilical Cord iPhone Charger by Japanese Designer Mio Izawa

This iPhone charger is made to look like an umbilical cord and it even moves and pulsates when you plug it in.  You can buy it on Etsy (if you have more money than sense). Did we mention it costs almost $6,000? Weird art is expensive.

Creepy iPhone charger.

This disturbing yet fully functional accessory is handcrafted from silicone to create a fleshy, life-like appearance. This thing will definitely help you to go from average Joe to social pariah in mere moments by pulling it out in public.

Creepy iPhone charger.

In artist’s own words: “I designed the looking of this cable as an umbilical cord, which mother feeds energy to her baby. It moves as if it’s trying to introduce iPhone into, just like to express an irony to people’s dependance on iPhone.”

Creepy iPhone charger.

We wonder how long it would take a dog to chew through one of these and shock itself…

Creepy iPhone charger.

Creepy iPhone charger.

Creepy iPhone charger.

Creepy iPhone charger.

Would you buy and use it if this charger was cheaper? Let’s say $30. Leave your opinion in comments.

30 thoughts on “Pulsing Umbilical Cord iPhone Charger by Japanese Designer Mio Izawa”

  1. The importation of this item may be subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or state and local regulatory agencies. If so, do not purchase this item unless you have the appropriate authorizations and/or permits.

  2. i make things like this, and it is hard. you have to do sculpting, moldmaking, casting
    in platinum cure silicone , painting , so i would say 6000 dollars is a steal.

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