Ah, the corporate world – the place where dream go to die. A thrilling jungle where suits roam free, jargon is the native tongue, and the coffee is as cold as your boss’s heart. A horrible place where every day is a fresh new nightmare, and yet somehow, millions of us keep coming back for more. All that is perfectly captured in @WorkChronicles Instagram account. Scroll down to see some of the best examples!
Every single one is a gem.
I am SO glad I am retired! I can relate to all of the above and I don’t miss ANY OF IT!!
Kinda lame, predictable. A bad attempt at Dilbert.
…”Dilbert” without being clever or funny.
Boring 100x seen workplace “jokes”…
I have been retired for 23 years and see that nothing has changed. These were all spot-on and very funny reminders of the past.
These jokes would’ve worked better than the Kool-Aid.
I was in the workforce for 50+ years. I had every kind of manager possible. When I totalled all the time I’d had good managers, it came to 3.4 years. I understand that’s pretty normal for North American workplaces.