63 thoughts on “Top 20 Absolute Worst Things In The World”

  1. Geir – Andre – Here is an easily solvable problem; STOP USING THAT WORD YOU IGNORANT POTATO.

  2. Some people need a humour transplant – not mentioning any names that sound like Geir-Andre

  3. Of all the things I have been able to improve in my 65 years here on earth, there are only about 10-items that still haunt me, well let’s restate this! I do not us three binders anymore, the power cord adapters isn’t that big of an issue, I can only hear out of one ear and use headphones, I am a cat person, I stopped use pencils, I do not eat out of boxes, I do not eat cookies, or butter bread, BUT, YES a BIG BUT, when I eat peanut butter on bread and it slips out of my hand… It always lands on with the peanut butter facing DOWN!! Someone needs to track the % of this, I bet it is like 95% of the time facing down!!

  4. Mythbusters tested the butter side down problem, and found it was 50-50. It all depends on how it’s dropped.

  5. Some of the comments here are proof positive that people will manifest their disempowerment on the internet at literally the tiniest of inciting triggers.

  6. In response to anonymous and peanut buttered bread. Though according to physics all objects fall at the same rate of speed so long as wind and aerodynamics are not a factor. However, the side with peanut butter is heavier. Since the peanut butter’s total density is greater than the total density of the piece of bread the gravity of the Earth has a greater effect on it. Probably it won’t happen every time but friction and aerodynamics will play a role. Best thing: Don’t let the bloody thing drop.

  7. The Pringles dilemma is offset by the knowledge that you get a full can of chips. Worse is opening a bag and seeing that you bought 75% air.

  8. If bread is dropped from random heights, or flipped randomly into the air, it will fall butter-side-down (or peanut butter, or jam) about half the time — the same probabilities as tossing a coin.

    But if a normal-sized slice of bread is knocked off a table, which is where it’s almost always going to start from in the real world, there’s just enough space for it to tumble through 180 degrees before hitting the floor. Which means it really will land butter-side-down most of the time in real life. It’s an unintended function of human ergonomics, which dictate both the height of tables and the size of a piece of bread.


  9. The small strip of paper towel left hanging on the roll made me chuckle. I hate it when that happens! :)

  10. Good god… theres like only one or two of those things i cant relate to! (And to whoever said these things were easy to fix… clearly doesnt understand the concept of easy. What would you suggest? Walking the dog with no leash? Not wear pants with belt loops? Remove all door handles? wake up an hour earlier to give butter time to heat up? And many of the others I cant even find a difficult way to fix…

  11. I’ve gone through 7 loaves of bread to test the ratio of which side falls face down to the floor with peanut butter, and 87% of the time the peanut butter hits the floor. ( And only 39% of the time the paper towel I cleaned it up with had that leftover hanging chad thing going on. I plan to publish my results.

  12. How many times has my belt loop gotten caught in the door handle and i could have had a heart attack and died. Oh, the humanity!

  13. if the bread falls with the peanut/jam/butter on the top nd not to the floor, it is because YOU put the peanut/jam/butter on the wrong side of the bread !

  14. The one with the lined paper – Is the problem the weird way the paper tore or the triple integral calculus?

  15. Anonymous re: peanut better on bread.
    The whole law of physics is that density has nothing to do with rate of fall. 9.8 m/s/s regardless of density. A basketball filled with feathers falls at the same rate as a basketball full of lead.
    Regardless, the peanut butter bread has the exact same density no matter which side is down.

    Please lighten up! This is meant to be all in fun!

  16. Measuring cup dribble solution:
    Wipe a bit of butter under the spout, on the outside if the cup. Liquid will not cross it
    Life just got better.

  17. what about when people don’t erase something on a whiteboard, chalkboard, or paper fully.
    also this entire page is dedicated to ocd.


    seriously guys there is a whole covid outbreak murders fear of dying and you are scared of mixed up airpods ugh shows how soft people have becomr

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